twenty eight - "Do you want it to not be a mistake?"

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"Did something happen between you and Sargent" I heard Gray ask as we settled down on the beach.

My eyes widened, "Uh no? Why do you think that? I mean what can possibly happen between me and that selfish prick" I said and he chuckled.

"Something definitely happened. Did he hurt you? I can take care of it if that's the case"

"No, nothing happened between us at all...I'm just tired of seeing him everywhere I go" I said and he didn't seem to buy it.

"Well, I'm guessing he feels the same since he can't stop throwing daggers at me?" He said and nodded towards Sargent, who really was throwing daggers at...Gray?

What's his problem?

My thoughts were interrupted by a soft touch on my leg and my eyes found the little puppy eyes of Cosmo.

"Awh hello there little baby" I cooed and Elijah chuckled as he walked towards us with Cosmos little toy in his hand.

He threw the ball at me and Cosmo started barking softly.

"He really likes you Willow" Gray said and Elijah nodded.

I was about to reply to them when Sargent sat down right next to me, "Hello there little buddy" He said as he started petting Cosmo, who was laying on my lap.

"Aren't you supposed to be with that redhead of yours?" I said and pointed to the pick me looking redhead girl he had been hanging out with since he got here.

"Lana? She can handle herself for a while, while I spend my time with my favorite person" he said and softly nudged my arm.

"Don't make me laugh please, I don't know how you can act like everything's alright" I whispered the last part, I didn't want people to know that we kissed.

Before he could reply I put down Cosmo and walked away to take a walk around the beach. I've had enough of his bullshit already, he can't just kiss me and call it a mistake and pop up everywhere I go. Give me a break for god's sake.

"What's your problem?" I heard him say as he ran after me literally taking a rough grip on my arm.

"Ow! Let go of me! What's up with YOU" I said as I let my arm out of his grip.

"Why are you acting like such a bitch because of a kiss? You didn't care about the first kiss" He said and my whole face was on fire.

My anger took the best off of me and I pushed him as hard as I could, "You know what, I was wrong about you, there's not even a single bit of good in you, I try to stop hating you but you always keep fueling the fire in me, while I try to stop it! Why can't you just let me be?! Just stop appearing everywhere I go already?!" I yelled and he looked angry.

"Is this about me calling the kiss a mistake?!" He yelled as he got closer to my face making me stop breathing, "Do you want it to not be a mistake?" He whispered the last part looking deep into my eyes.

Why does he always do this? Does he like this chasing each other thing? I'm not going to be his toy, I've had enough of this running around and playing stupid games. I can't keep being his punch bag where he can keep going back and forth with.

"I'm done with whatever this is" I said and tried to walk away when he took a grip of my arm and dragged me onto him as he smashed our lips together once again making me go crazy and melt in his arm. He gripped my face in his hands and I was sure that I was about to fall.

I managed to get ahold of myself as I let myself get free from his grip, "What do you think you're doing! I just told you I'm done and you try to play with my head again? Do you actually think I'm so easy?!" I yelled as I slapped his face.

"I- I thought you liked it? I mean you didn't even stop me at first? And I thought you wanted it, I thought- you know what I think you're the one playing games here. You're the one who always tries to get close to me and tries to see the unexisting light in me" he said as he started punching his own heart making my eyes widen. "There's" *punch* "nothing" *punch* "left" *punch* "here" "It's FUCKING EMPTY, you hear me Edwards?! So stop getting your hopes up because NO ONE can fix me because I'm not broken! This is ME! This is my reality! And if you're trying to fix me that means you don't accept me the way I am!" he yelled and I was crying by now. This was too much for me. What has my life turned into. I don't deserve this. I need to go home.

I turned around and started walking back to the others. I was so, so, so wrong.

"Hey, hey is everything alright? Where's Sargent?" I heard Elijah say and all I did was give him a hug as I quietly sobbed into his shoulder.

"Everything's...going to be alright, Willow. Let me take you and Cosmo home, it's been a very adventurous day" he said and caressed my back and I nodded.

"Yo! Gray, Willow's not feeling well, I'm taking her home are you staying or will you be driving with Sargent?" he asked Gray who was hanging out with some girls and boys by the volleyball area.

"I'll drive back with Sargent. Is everything alright?" Gray yelled back.

"Yeah, um Willows just not feeling so well, that's all" Elijah replied as I picked Cosmo up from the sand and started walking towards the car, totally ignoring an angry Sargent who was walking back from the spot I left him in.

So much for having love thoughts huh. This is not love. I'm sure of it now. This is just a downfall of all the things I thought could happen between us.

Delusions. It was all delusions.

Oops, Don't we just love some teenage drama

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Oops, Don't we just love some teenage drama...hihi

I hope you liked today's chapter (28) !!! <3

See you when the next chapter's published:)))

Lotssssss of love!!! <3 ///D.E

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