eleven - "You're going to regret doing that"

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My lungs were burning with an intense pain but I didn't let it slow me down, instead I started to run faster. Last nights encounters were playing in my head on repeat like a broken movie and the wanting of revenge was the only thing on my mind. I was more than ready to pay the devil himself a visit and show him that he should learn to not mess with people but I had to get rid of my headache first.

I was so concentrated on my thoughts that I didn't realize that I was almost running into someone but I felt arms holding me in place before that could happen.

"Woah, slow down princess, you're running like there's a murderer after you" oh no, I know that voice.

"Oh, Hi Ryan!" fuck, I need to act right.

Ryan was looking better than the last time I saw him and there was almost no scars on his face. His dark blue eyes were staring right into mine and I was so scared that he would understand that I had been avoiding him and his calls since the last time we saw each other.

"Why haven't you been answering my calls?" he asked and I felt my heart drop.

"What calls?"

"Don't even try to play dumb, Willow" was he getting angry? Oh my god.

"Seriously Ryan, I don't know what you're talking about, I haven't had any calls from you" I had to make him believe me.

I looked at the time before he could answer and I saw that I didn't have much time left, I had plans and not even Ryan could stop me.

"Oh shoot look at the time I have something really important to do Ryan but I promise I'll call you as soon as i can, Bye!" and now i was really running like there was a murderer after me.

When I finally passed Ryan I kept on running and when I felt like I was about to pass out I sat down on a bench near a forrest with a small lake when I suddenly heard a car approach me. 


I woke up with a groan realizing that I was going to have a massive hangover all day. I got up from the bed and got right into the shower not even looking at the time.

I loved showering but at the same time I hated it because showering gave me more time to think about what a shitty son and brother I've been. It gave me time to hate myself even more and it gave me more time to think about the stupidest stuff like the kiss I shared with the girl I had developed such hatred towards. I know that I'm a mess, but there's no way I can change myself after everything I've done and been through and there's no way anyone can change me either.

I showered quickly and went upstairs to eat breakfast with mom and as always her mind was on the work and it was like I wasn't even there.

"Good morning mom" no answer.



She finally looked up from all the papers she had collected in front of her and it was like I could read all the emotions in her eyes.

"Sargent...I'm so sorry'' That's what you always say.

"Save it mom, you always do this...It's like I don't even exist anymore!"

''Don't say-"

"No! Fuck this! I'm done trying mom!" I interrupted her before she could continue with her usual excuses.

I walked outside and got into my car, signaling to the guard to open the door gates and as soon as the gates opened I pressed the gas as hard as I could. 

I fucking hate my life. 

I made a few turns and saw Edwards sitting beside the lake. This can be fun. 


I parked the car beside the bench she was sitting on and I saw the hate she had in her eyes when I approached her. 

"Edwards, Edwards, Edwards. You're in your natural habitat, where you belong. With the animals." I said as I pointed at the ducks on the lake and she sarcastically chuckled and tried to walk away but I grabbed her arm. 

"I bet you enjoyed it. Kissing the popular guy" I said and she slapped me, making me chuckle. 

"You're going to regret doing that" I said and walked towards my car after letting go of her arm. 

"You disgust me, Hills!" I heard her yell behind me, making me smirk.

I got into my car and was putting my seatbelt on when Edwards got into MY CAR. 

What the fuck?!

"What are you doing?!" I swear to god im going to commit a murder soon.

"What does it look like? Or does your eyes have as much damage as your brain too?" she says and I punch the steering wheel. 

"Get out, I'm not going to waste my time with your stupid games" I tell her but she doesn't listen.

"Apologize for kissing me and I'll get off" she murmured and I laughed, "Absolutely not" I said and she shrugged, not getting out of the car. 

"Well you asked for this..." I murmur as i get into the car pressing the gas as hard as I can.

"What are you doing?" she asks from beside me looking at the speed Im driving in.

"Showing you not to mess with me" I tell her not even bothering to take a glance at her.

She doesn't say anything and that's when I start driving even faster.

"Okay, you can stop the car now"

"Giving up so fast already" I say while chuckling slightly.

"What's your problem with me? I literally did nothing to you and you've been such a fucking douchebag to me since I saved that kid from your literal torture!" she yelled and I looked at her in annoyance. 

"I don't want you anywhere near me, Edwards! I think I've told you that like ten times already and you still keep appearing everywhere I go" I said and she groaned, "Like I LOVE being around such a negative douchebag like you, I can't stand YOU! I just went to that stupid party and you ruined it all" she said and I rolled my eyes at her words. 

"Me? I ruined it all-" I started defending myself but was interrupted by the screams of Edwards.


I look ahead and there's a deer in front of us, I loose the control of the steering wheel and before I know, I'm driving right into a tree. 

All I remember before passing out is holding my arms in front of the girl I hate, protecting her from getting hurt. 

And of course the screams. 

Oop, DRAMAAA!! Thank you for reading and I hope you enjoyed the new update!! I will try to update more:) Thank you for the support <3

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Oop, DRAMAAA!! Thank you for reading and I hope you enjoyed the new update!! I will try to update more:) Thank you for the support <3

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