sixty five - "Goodbye"

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Yesterday was amazing. A day I'll never be able to forget even if I tried to. I woke up around 9 am as always but today I laid in bed for maybe 30 minutes before getting up.

These past weeks and everything that has been happening made me realize that...being away and leaving everyone will be harder than I thought it would be and it breaks my heart because if I knew that my life would've ended up like this I would've kept my distance to everyone and never gotten so attached to anyone...especially Sargent.

I can't believe I'm going to do this to him after everything he has done for me. He changed for me and with me and now I'm leaving him...alone. The worst thing that can happen to people who have major abandonment issues like Sargent is when someone they love leaves them and I'm doing this to him knowing the risks. But I don't want him to get hurt because of me, this is basically a lose and lose situation, I know but I'd rather hurt him like this than leading to him getting killed.

I got out of the bed and dressed in a skirt with white and blue flowers and a white crop top with buttons. I didn't put makeup on today because I was not in the mood and I put my hair in a ponytail.

I washed my face and walked downstairs and saw that my mother had made pancakes for breakfast, "Good morning, honey!" I heard my mom's happy voice and I smiled at her, "Good morning, mom" I said while hugging her.

We sat down and started eating while mom showered me with questions about yesterday, "So how was it? Did you have fun?" she asked and I thought about yesterday and couldn't help but feel the adrenaline and happiness all over again, "It was fantastic mom. I've never had such a surprise my whole life, it was such a special feeling being there, listening to the band LIVE and being with Sargent and my friends" I explained and she nodded but there was a different smile on her face, "You and Sargent look really well together and you're really good for each other. That kid is special and he got some real good manners" she said and I smiled, "He's the best thing that has happened to me after having you as my mother" I said and my mom being a softie got teary eyed immediately, "Awhh honey" she said and I reached for her hand and caressed it.

"I've never said this to you but I'm so thankful for everything you've done for me. I know you did it all for my best and you kept me safe my whole life and never did anything to make me sad and I'm very happy to have you with me" I said and she looked proudly at me with the brightest smile on her face, "Willow, you're the best daughter a mother can wish for. You've never let me down or done anything to hurt me. Also, it's my duty as a mother to keep you safe, my love. If I have to keep you and Ezra safe, I'll give my life up if I have to" she said and I couldn't help but get up and hug her, "I love you mom" I said...for the last time.

"I love you too honey." mom said and we continued eating our last breakfast together in peace.


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