thirty five -"What's my real name?"

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"Willow I-I"

"I want an explanation now, mom. Who is he? Is it YOUR son?"

"Yes" was all she said and I just stood there staring at her for a while.

"How could you keep such a secret from me? Where is he? Is he dead?"

"No...He's alive. I don't know where he is." She started to cry and looked everywhere but my eyes.

"What do you mean I don't know where he is? You can't just lose your own son, you're keepi-"

"He's your half brother and I had to send him away to save his life" she said and I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion, this can't be happening. This is not my life, this is a dream. Yes! This is the baddest dream I've ever had. I'm not like these people, I don't have family dramas! I'm just Willow.

"What do you mean half brother?"

She let out a sigh and pointed me to sit beside her and I doubted for a second before sitting down beside her on the bed, trying to calm down.

"I never wanted you to figure out what I'm about to tell you like this but I have to tell you about everything now" she said and looked into my eyes with such a heavy look I couldn't breathe for a second. She's going to tell me something bad, something really, really, bad.

"The man you've known as your dad while growing up is not your dad. Your dad is not that good man I've told you about. Your dad is a very, very evil man, Willow. And...he's the reason why your brother is not with us right now."

She stopped for a second and took a look at the photo of Ezra and tried to dry her tears but they kept falling. I hate this.

"I had a boyfriend before meeting your dad, his name was Jordan and at the time we were living in Italy. We were so in love and I couldn't go a day without hearing his voice or seeing him. I was so young Willow, he was my first and last love. Your grandfather, he never liked Jordan because he wasn't rich and at the time it was important that the daughters of families married a rich man. One day when I was out with Jordan, your grandfather called me and told me to get home and I was so confused because he sounded really happy." she took a breath before continuing.

"When I got home there were men outside, they were protecting the door or something and wouldn't even look at me while getting inside, like it was a sin for them to look at me. I got in and there was my dad, some young man who looked the same age as Jordan, a few years older than me and a man who looked like he was the dad of the young man. I learned that day that your grandfather sold me to that young man. He didn't let me go outside for a few weeks until the day of our marriage, I wasn't even allowed to go to school and I wasn't allowed to see Jordan either. On the day of our marriage I realized that I was pregnant with Jordans kid and I had to do something so...I ran away."

"I found Jordan and told him about the marriage and our baby so we ran away. We ran and ran and ran for months and before I'd known I had a beautiful baby boy. I don't know how but your dad found us and he knew about Jordan and the baby and he told me that he would kill both of them if I didn't come with him - and while all this was happening Jordan was out with Ezra. So I went with your dad and left my baby and my only love. I wrote him a letter and told him to take care of our kid and leave Italy and I told him to change their name and identity." I couldn't stop myself and held her hand and showed her that I was here for her even though I was so mad at her for keeping everything from me.

"So I went with him and it killed me everyday for years. He would hurt me in so many ways. He was in the mafia and it was so important for me to obey him because he was the king and I was not the queen, no I was the prisoner. He would tell me that he loved me but it was not love, it was obsession. What man forces the woman he loves to leave her child and threatens her with killing her baby. If he loved me he would embrace my child but no he chose to hurt me through my child. For years he would threaten me with finding Jordan and Ezra and killing them if I didn't obey him. He was also so jealous that I had a son with Jordan because it was not a good look to have a daughter at the time so when we found out that I was pregnant by the evil king he was not so happy to know that it was a daughter" my heart sank at her words and she realized it and gave me a hug.

"But I didn't care Willow, you were the thing that kept me alive in that prison. You were my everything in there, my anchor, my sunshine, my air, my heartbeat, You kept me going."

"So how did you end up here with me, alone for years?" I asked her and she continued.

"I was not always allowed to leave my room. Just because I was married to a rich man with a big mansion didn't mean that I could walk around the house like I owned it. But I was just like you, a rule breaker, I didn't care. I walked out one day and I heard some voices and muffled voices behind a door and the door was ajar. So I peeked through the opening and there was a woman and a man, your dad and his men were around him and your dad ordered one of his men to give him his gun and shot the man first and let the woman see it all. Her screams are still echoing in my ears, her husband was killed right in front of her eyes. They watched her with evil smiles and then shot her too. At that moment something in me happened and I took you and just ran away. I didn't even take our stuff. I just ran away. I changed our names and everything and moved to Springdale where I knew that he would not be able to find us and he never did"

"What's...Your real name" she smiled at my words but I didn't smile back because I was barely holding on. I was ready to cry. I was ready for another shock.

"Marie Bianchi " she answered and I was confused.

"So I'm actually...Italian? And my name is not Willow?" she nodded at that and my head was racing. I was going to pass out.

"What's my real name?" I asked.

"Well, your real name is Noemi Rae Alessi" I nodded at her words and she continued, "But you'll always be Willow Edwards, we're still not safe and I don't want you to meet him, ever." I nodded again.

"You never mentioned his name...not even when you were talking about him" I said and she froze for a minute before saying the name I wished I never heard.

"Victor. Victor Alessi"

Sorry for the short chapter but I hope you still liked it hehe one shocking thing too ;)

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Sorry for the short chapter but I hope you still liked it hehe one shocking thing too ;)

I don't know when the next chapter will be up because I have so much to study but I'll try to post something when I find the time!!

Have an amazing day, lots of love!!!!! <3// D.E

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