sixty eight - "I didn't find you, WE found each other"

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I felt the alcohol kicking in my body, "One more" I said to the bartender and he shook his head no, "Do you know who I am you fucking idiot?" I said and grabbed his shirt in a fist as someone tried to drag me away, "Let fucking go of me!" I yelled and before I could register what was happening I was lying on the empty street outside of the bar. Fucking dumbfucks, they threw me out of the place.

"I'm fucking Sargent Hills! NO one can treat me this way!" I yelled as I tried to enter the bar but I ended up being pushed away by the guards again.

Willow...A week ago during this time, I was happy and complete with you.

But now you're fucking gone and I hate you more than ever!

I could barely stand when I walked towards my car.

I remembered Dr.Haynes words when she told me to not mix the pills and alcohol...Guess what, I don't follow any fucking rules.

I put the pill on my tongue and saw the already opened red bull can from earlier today staring at me. In a quick motion I swallowed down the rest of it, hating the warm taste. The smell of the drink, reminding me of her...

I pressed the gas pedal as hard as I could and yelled while driving recklessly.

"Why do I always end up unhappy? Why me? What did I do? What sins am I paying for? Why does everyone leave me?!" I yelled into the air as the wind from the open car window hit my face the faster I drove.

I guess the pills and the alcohol started kicking in because my hands started shaking, the feeling mixing with the adrenaline I felt. It felt like my hands just stopped working for a minute and I couldn't handle the car as I tried slowing down and crashed into the closest tree.

I had a hard time getting out of the car since my body felt so weak.

I looked behind me and saw that the damage on the car was kinda big, "Fucking hell" I murmured with barely any energy as I walked away. I walked for a few minutes before I passed out a few meters away from the car.


"Willow?" I heard myself murmur as I woke up on a hospital bed.

"Sargent! Oh honey!" I heard my mother literally yell in happiness as she saw me, her blonde hair laid low on her shoulders and she looked like she had been crying for hours, I hadn't seen her hair open since Blaine died. It reminded me of my childhood.

"I'm okay mom" I muttered as I hugged her side since I had a hard time moving my right arm.

Her tears started falling the second she heard me talk, "I thought I lost you too. I was worried sick. Please don't do this to me again!" she yelled into my shoulder, not letting go of me and I felt like shit again. I didn't mean to hurt her...I know it was so selfish of me to take those pills with alcohol but I didn't think that it would hit me while I was driving and besides I didn't think I would be alive after taking them...

Love To Hate You (EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now