Chapter 6

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"Have a better day at school!" Mom called out to me. I turned around and gave her little wave to reassure her that I'm okay. I got on the bus and everyone looked at me weird. I searched for a seat, hoping the transfer kid would save the day. I noticed Mary-Lynn wasn't sitting by herself today. Hallie accompanied her on the bus. "Hey." Hallie grumpily greeted me. I gave her a disoriented look. She turned away to Mary-Lynn. I could hear a faint whisper coming from their seat. "So, did you text Gwen?" It was Hallie's voice. "Yea. She's all on board with the plan." "You have the right locker number and stuff?" What could they be plotting. Gosh. When they're not bullying me they have to go find some other poor kid to victimize. Mary-Lynn rushed off of the bus like always. Hallie stopped and turned around to give me a little wave. "Have fun at school today." She told me in a villainous voice.

"I will open my locker today. I will open my locker today." I mumbled to myself. Well I got to my locker, but there was a bit of a surprise. Dog treats and pictures of the Lassie dog poured out of my locker. Kids turned their attention to me and started to chuckle at the sight of the dog treats at my feet. I was shocked. No, horrified! Josh came rushing to me. "Cass? Why are you obsessed with dogs?" I flashed a devilish look at him. It was hard to look mean with all of the tears in my eyes. I ran away back to the stall I was in yesterday. Gosh, this school is terrible.

"You think she got her little surprise?" Hallie asked. "Oh, we'll just have to wait and see." Mary-Lynn responded in her sneaky voice. "If this was a movie I'd never stop watching." Gwen added as she turned down the hall to her first period.

I sulked just as I did the day before. I hoped and prayed that I would just be marked as absent, so no one would come looking for me. "Who's there?" a voice came from the bathroom entrance. I guess my sniffles weren't as quiet as I thought. I decided not to give an answer, hoping the voice would go away. "Hello?" They didn't go away. The person walked in and sat near the sink. "Are you okay, whoever you are?" "I'm fine. You don't have to stay here with me." I wanted them to leave so badly. "Uhh I really don't mind. Can you just tell me your name?" "Cassie James." "Cassie? That's you in there?" The voice sounded really surprised now. "Who are you?" I asked. "Sophie Whittman." I opened the stall because out of all of the popular girls, Sophie was my favorite. "What happened to you?" She asked. "I'm just a little upset." "A little? Umm.. well what happened? That is if you don't mind talking about it." "Uhh well I mean I don't know who did it, but..." "Oh..." Sophie started to stare at her feet. I look at her in confusion. "Something wrong Sophie?" I asked. "Well it's just- ya know, I interrupted you. You should go on." She insisted. "Well it's just I opened my locker and a bunch of dog related items feel out at me! Everyone looked at me and laughed. Even Josh came up to me and asked why I was obsessed with dogs.." "Umm.... Cassie? Can I tell you something? Like you have to promise you're not going to be mad at me once I tell you." "I guess.." "Ever since Josh posted that picture of you two together at the JH party, the girls have been kind of mad at you. They texted me today and said they wanted to get back at you, and that they were going to put all of that stuff in your locker, so that it would fall out at you. I'm really sorry Cassie! I should've told you. If it makes it any better, I had nothing to do with it! I mean I knew and all, but I didn't put the stuff in your locker-" "It's okay Sophie. I'm just going to go now.' I tried to leave, but she grabbed my arm. "No, Cassie you're not." she sounded like she was about to cry. "I'm going to walk you back to your class and say you were helping out with the cheerleaders. Act like nothing is wrong. If you don't it will just give Mary-Lynn and the girls more power to be mean to you." I nodded in agreement and we walked back to Ms.Olsen's together.

The whole class turned around and gave me their undivided attention."Miss James." Ms.Olsen sounded stern. "Yes.." I said in my innocent voice. "Where were you?" "I-" "She was helping out the cheerleaders." Sophie tried to save me. "She's not even a cheerleader." Mary-Lynn cut in. "That's right." Ms. Olsen looked at us. "Well she was just helping with-" "Either way she doesn't have a note and she didn't notify me earlier." Ms. Olsen scribbled on a small piece of paper. She handed it to me. "What's this?" I asked quietly. "To the principle's office." She explained and pointed to the door. "But Ms.Olsen-" Sophie tried to speak. "No words girls. Or you'll be going too." She pointed at Sophie. I started for the door. "Have fun at the principle's office. Lassie." Hallie waved each of her fingers. I ran fast out of the room and down each flight of stairs, I didn't care where I ended up next. Just as long as it wasn't this school.

Oops, I Meant CassieWhere stories live. Discover now