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Karla.. the Red Devil thief of Miami.. that's what they called her.. the men she'd steal from that was, others would prefer to describe her as crazy.. evil.. terrifying! She oozed sexual elegance upon the outer.. red silk dresses cut in the thighs all the way up to her panty line with long curly flowing brown hair right the way down towards her sharp caramel hips, she dripped in diamonds.. stolen diamonds from men and women she effortlessly seduced with the tip of her red tinted blade usually sat within its lace thread holster upon her thigh.. she was a complicated woman.. filled with mystery and flaw.. soon to find out if you'd like to know more?

Let's start with a normal day.. normal meaning usual for her happenings as she strut slowly down an unfamiliar hall inside of a prestigious business building in the centre of the booming city, red heels slamming into the marble floor, caramel thighs peeking from within the red silk as she drag the tip of her pretty blade along the concrete wall beside, an ear ringing scratch following behind its metal as she twist the cherry flavoured lollipop between her lips with a devilish smirk

Ahead in sight was a door, glass plated and folded with a sign reading 'CEO'... a few faces followed her stature with an automatic fear, the entire body oozing power like nothing they'd ever seen, it must have been the smirk.. the tall wall maybe even the ridiculously sharp very public blade she continued to drag along the wall.. nobody but a confident security guard aiming in her direction to question her intentions

"Ma'am, excuse me but you can't be up here without a visitors pass? Also the knife? Y-You're gonna.. W-What are you-

"That's a very pretty tie sir? Hides the silky skin of your throat from me.. sad really?"

The brown haired woman spoke unbothered by her distraction as she drag the tip of her weapon upwards against his now panicked chest landing just at the knot of his tie with a slow glance up into his fearful eyes... she was small, slim built and pretty to look at? Yet somehow nothing about her seemed friendly or safe.. he stepped to the side as she extend her tongue out to place the cherry Lolli back within her mouth, a small wink and a glance towards the door forcing her strides to continue as the man fumble with his intercom to call for back up..

It didn't take long for her red heels to reach the door, brown orbs examining the handle before sliding the silver back into her thigh, an evil smirk turning for a smile as she opened the glass with the lifting of her sharp jaw, the rich looking man now glancing up at her immediately intrigued by the Latin beauty he more than wasn't expecting

"Sorry I? Wasn't anticipating any guests today? Can I ask who y-

"Karla! Nobody ever expects me so forgive yourself the confusion!"

She winked strutting confidently towards the desk to boldly pick up a framed picture of a pretty woman stood hand in hand with the man directly in front, she giggled, placed it down with a cocked brow and tilted confident gaze

"Your wife is pretty! Lithuanian? Mix of something I'd say probably... Swedish?"

"How did you-

"You know it's bad for your posture to sit like that Peter? Here let me help you!"

The woman confidently interject strutting around towards his side of the desk to boldly sit upon his suited lap forcing him to jerk back as her slender arm hook around the back of his neck pulling it backwards to straighten the spine with nothing but an eye fluttering grimace, she was cleaver, had a way of creeping into the most powerful of minds..

"This is.. I have a meeting soon! I'm gonna have to ask you to leave.. I'm sorry! Karla.."

"But I came all this way just to see you? You wouldn't want to upset a pretty girl like me would you Peter?"

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