Chapter 9

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Lauren paced Lazily into the office sipping a hot coffee within her aching palm while Fallon eyed her walk with a huffing gasp, her late arrivals growing more and more frequent agonising to say the least, the case was running thin on evidence and she didn't seem even the slightest bit stressed.. behind her body followed Dinah wide eyed and ready to go with a brand new victim detailed upon a paper document

"12:15 last night.. blade to the throat.. no fire.. I have to say I'm thrown.. no candy in the teeth either"

"Psychopaths are calculated Dinah, they have tells but they know when not to push the games.. pulling back on her little tricks is just a move to confuse us"

Lauren retaliated pressing the coffee into the table before running her eyes over the file, inside the forensics reports detailed next to no information worth using.. Fallon too looking over the document highlighting one section in particular as she flit her eyes up towards the Raven

"Bruising around the throat.. slender palms Lauren, strangulation will give big clues if we're met with any potential suspects.."

Lauren turned slowly, blank eyes and a leaning slender palm holding her tired weight against the desk, a shared look lasting only a few moments while the woman thought about her answer, Fallon was right.. with more use of the body, there was more chance of identifying a criminal..

"So you're saying that the more physical contact she has with her victims the more likely we are to catch her.."

"Exactly what I'm saying! If she's smart she'd stick to her usual habits.. maybe she's getting Lazy?"

"Or maybe she's getting angry! Who knows.."

Lauren's tone was slightly hostile picked up on by Dinah only huffing at the pairs constant need to argue.. it didn't matter what was said.. what evidence was presented, if one spoke the other disagreed, not exactly the most helpful quality in trying to solve such a high profile case..

"Well either way.. the angrier she gets? The more obvious she becomes! Maybe it's worth us trailing down the path of finding what has her so pissed off?"

"Yup because that's so fucking easy to do! What are you a mind reader now?"

"It would be a huge fucking help if I was!"

"You guys! Stop arguing seriously? Your little ego battle to say the best thing isn't going to solve this case.. we need to agree on something!"

Dinah called slamming her hand down into the desk forcing Lauren to role her emerald orbs into oblivion aggravated by the way Fallon stood to walk beside her pointing down at the victims profile with a swift grab for a pen, her wrist drawing a question mark next to the time stamp to stare back up at Lauren with a patronising eye

"These cases are blurring!"

Lauren clamped her jaw lifting her FBI badge from her belt to slam over the victims paper work offering Fallon a telling look that indicated her mood before storming away leaving the woman swallowing with harsh rolling eyes watching her leave the room with a furious gasping sigh

"Agent Lauren.. a word?"

"What is it.. I have shit to do.."


Ruiz huffed pointing towards his office reluctantly followed by the Raven who slammed the door behind with harsh folded arms and her right heel pressing firmly in front

"So.. you wanted me?"

"Your little event.. I'm giving you the go ahead as you already know, but I have to tell you.. with the guest list you've curated I do have a few concerns.."

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