Chapter 17 Part 2

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Lauren swallowed with closed eyes as she leant her Raven head back against the dark brick wall hidden behind the familiar bar that both her and Camila had shared more than a good night within, her right heel twisting into the floor as she stared up into the pitch black night.. the dreaded sinking feeling in her stomach not wanting to leave her alone as it chased her around like a dog after a bone from the moment she'd made clarification with Fallon earlier that day

She finally found strength enough to peel away from the wall reaching to itch at her ankle before strutting to walk towards the entrance of the bar, inside sat Camila aimlessly scribbling upon a note pad forcing her to reach down for her phone sending a text to Fallon with a hasty intent, as if by coincidence the second the phone land back into her pocket the entire grid fell black.. the bar visionless.. charcoal darkness.. a scream..


Lauren screamed out recognising the voice only thankful a few seconds later the lights had returned to bright.. there on the floor sat Camila holding her hand.. blood pouring from a deep wound across her knuckles alerting a vast amount of unwanted attention, Lauren ran to sink beside the girl dragging her hands from behind her back as the brown eyes closed in pain to cover the bloody wound with her fingers and palms.. her own hands now drenched in bright red Blood..

"It's ok baby I'm here! Im here! What happened?"

"I- I don't know! The lights went out and then someone grabbed me.. t-they cut m-me Lauren it hurts!"

She sobbed leaning her head back with deep flowing tears that only left the Raven feeling majorly guilty.. the pain written of her features.. agony painted across her lips, she only wished this had never happened as she grabbed for a rag upon the bar offered by the staff to wrap around the bulk of her injury.. under the rag her thumb feeling around..

"I'm just making sure the bone is ok baby just give me a second.."

Lauren hissed with an urgency she knew she had to rush before locating a strange mass hidden under the skin.. it came out almost immediately with a moments pressure ignored however as she then proceeded to wrap the rag tightly around her palm lifting the girls chin with only the tip of her nose to stare back into the agonised brown orbs

"You're safe Camila I promise!"

"I c-can't go to the h-hospital!"

She sobbed.. Lauren should have questioned the statement.. challenged it with a demand but instead she only lift the girl against her feet pulling the stature close to cup the back of her head noticing the black mass on the floor sitting prized and place enough to be found.. She bent down picking it between her fingers before subtly sliding it into her pocket, the prompt stand up to grab the girl noted by everyone as the exit the bar into the cold open air

"Hey, Camila? Look at me! Look at me!"

Lauren demand feeling the girl daze in the pain as she grabbed for her wavering shoulders, the blood around her arm and hand pretty excessive with the mystery altercation that had taken place only a few moments previous

"We're gonna get you fixed up ok? You just need to walk with me to my apartment! That's all!"

"I'm bleeding!"

She scold back unsure of how her new friend would be able to help, Lauren however had a come back for everything as she flipped her phone out to text Fallon for a second time, her message following along the lines of a requested presence at the apartment.. she knew she'd need help.. the girl was easy but her conscious not so much..

"FBI front line mama.. I can stitch like a doctor so how about let's move before you actually bleed out huh?"

"I-You're gonna do it? In your apartment? B-But that's not-

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