Chapter 17 part 1

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Camila paced anxiously within Lauren's apartment, her feet unable to keep still after what she had witnessed only around 30 minutes previous.. Fallon had turned up at her house as if on a mission.. she'd called of course but never gotten through? It didn't make sense in all honesty which only panicked her as she clamped her palms over the base of her silky black skirt

It must have been around an hour later before Fallon returned, her exhausted body slipping through the door alone only to be greeted with a heavy pair of hands slamming her back into the door, Camila's mind so anxious and scared she naturally struck with her fear in forcing the woman back to silence

"What the fuck Fallon! What was that about? Why did you come to my house!"

"Camila stop! You were in trouble! Lauren sent me to help!"


She hissed pushing the woman once again who only in response closed her eyes for a moment waiting for the hands to release.. the didn't.. they remained gripping against her shirt leading her eyes to open only to see the bright brown more confused and upset than ever.. clearly they didn't like each other but Fallon didn't want to hurt her.. she wasn't that kind of person..

"You called the front desk! They tried getting through to the office but nobody answered.. when Lauren checked the voice mail she called them back.. they said some girl pretty young sounded upset and distressed.. Camila she's not stupid she knew it was you!"

"Then why didn't she come! I didn't ask for you! You're NOT Lauren!"

The stress in her voice was evident, pounding like an army of drumming soldiers.. the grip in her fingers growing weak as she fell immediately overwhelmed.. exhausted.. pained, her ribs agonising after the heavy blows always directed in the same area, she was sprinting towards the end of her tether and it was obvious..

"I'm not Lauren Camila I know! But she told me to come and help you.. I'm not the bad guy here!"

"You are! You are the bad guy! You don't care about me! You don't! Care!"

She growled back once again throwing her fists forward however this time caught by the elder woman's grab that swiftly turn her into the door with her hands pinned behind her back, the silky skin of her forehead now pressed into the wood while Fallon hovered close behind.. her every move captured and restricted by the woman who had more than saved her unknowingly


"Camila listen to me! Listen! I do not want to upset you! Nor hurt you! We may not be friends but I am not an ass hole!"

"Why don't you hate me huh? Trying to get back with Lauren or some shit?"

She almost screamed squirming against the door while Fallon only stepped further forwards pinning her entire frame against the wood with a moment of closed contemplating eyes.. a deep breath and a thought to swallow her pride as she comforted the younger in aid of Lauren's feelings.. she had to think of something.. FAST

"He hits you doesn't he Camila.."


"He hits you for no reason and it hurts right? Because you don't understand why! Because you can never figure out what you did wrong!"

Silence.. a perfect opportunity for the woman to get inside.. cut the thick wedge of tension that had them in battle like a well publicised war.. it was an exhausting feat.. a draining altercation that neither had asked for, the catalyst? Lauren..

"It's none of your business-

"You're conditioned to take it.. accept it because you have no place to ask questions! I know how that feels Camila.. you can take your anger out on me it's ok! I get it! But you have to believe me when I say I'm not here to hurt you!"

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