Chapter 8

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Camila continued to run, her body shivering and her entire frame now soaked with a slick cover of rain, the perfect hair and makeup now ruined as she bound through the streets amongst the 5pm rush.. staring eyes and wondering gazes pondering her sobbing body glancing back to see if she was being chased.. she wasn't.. only by her own sadness..

Quickly however she found herself bumping into a tall woman mousy brown and strong scented.. bone dry under a large umbrella turning to face the younger shocked stomach the sight in front.. she hated the girl.. as did Camila.. in fact Camila was dead set on decorating her throat with a pretty blade but now with the tears bellowing against her cheeks they only shared an awkward moment of tension before the younger again bolted away.. Fallon furrowed her brows turning to watch before feeling a strange gut instinct.. she ran..

"Camila! Camila wait! Come back!"

She yelled out catching up with the sobbing soaked girl quickly allowing herself wet in the process as she dropped down the umbrella to chase the brown haired criminal, a sharp arm around her shoulder forcing her to jolt falling back into the wall at the unexpected touch


She screamed forcing Fallon back with raised hands as she looked down on the girl with a confused gaze.. the same girl that had ruined her friendship and forced her early from work given the tension between her and the Raven.. the same girl that had belittled and patronised her during what was supposed to be an intimate moment of connection.. so why now was she feeling the urge to help.. soothe?

"Did somebody hurt you Camila?"


She sobbed forcing a few wondering eyes while Fallon only knelt in front.. she watched her, watched the way her fingers drummed anxiously against her knees, her attitude more than different than she was used to..

"Camila.. I can't leave you out here.. it's pouring down and you're.. upset"

"Stop talking! Stop talking! Stop! Talking"

She screamed back lifting her hands over head ears to sink her head into her knees hyperventilating almost as she tried to calm her chest, that was the moment.. the moment Fallon realised.. saw what she was doing, heard how she was talking.. she had to think.. fast! The girl was out of her mind.. overwhelmed by something that she was more than sure wasn't her..

She had to drop the hate for a moment.. figure out a way to defuse the girl enough that she could help.. as much as she really wanted to leave her in the street to suffer.. she couldn't and it killed her not knowing why..

She didn't want her to talk.. so she didn't.. she clicked her fingers instead forcing the girls eyes up before pointing at her own jacket with a raised brow.. Camila hesitated before nodding back timidly watching as the agent slipped the garment from her shoulders to hand over to the younger before holding out her hand for her to grab a hold of

They stood.. lingering in a confusing moment of conflicting emotions before Fallon pointed towards the next street.. Lauren's street.. Camila followed frozen in her overload of emotions confused as they reached her new friends door.. Fallon pulled out a key unlocking the wood before letting her in to stand sheepishly beside the frame

"You have a key, this isn't your apartment"

"Lauren gave me the spare key for safe keeping, take your clothes off you're soaked.. I'll find you a hoodie from her closet"

"I can't wear her clothes! They're not my clothes I can't wear them!"

She panicked dropping the coat from her shoulders further clarifying Fallon's suspicions as she clamped her jaw to scratch at her chin.. swallowing her dislike for the girl was hard and intruding on Lauren's apartment while in heat with each other was also a difficult task..

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