Chapter 5

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Camila woke at around 10pm, her early bed time a result of pure boredom, she let out a heavy yawn and for some reason her heart began to pound like a violent drum amidst a war, nothing but the low light of he bellowing moon outside to illuminate the space around her.. she often startled herself awake, bad dreams and a chaotic mind nothing unusual to thank..

She did however realise something slightly off with the tranquil state of her room, nothing missing nothing touched but.. the sensation of something not quite right, she sat up scratching at her tired brown eyes before stepping into the floor pacing aimlessly towards the large box of watches, her silky fingertips reaching inside to pull out one in particular

She simply held it, ran her fingertips over the tiny diamonds that laced the straps before glancing at the time across the clear face ..9:15... she smiled, thread a few fingertips into the strap just to hold it more intimately... it was Lauren's watch... Her attention quickly averted however to the door, her eyes flinching at the sight of a tall heavy built man strolling through with an unamused glimmer

"I was-

"You're supposed to be sleeping! What in the hell are you doing awake making so much noise!"

"I wasn't making any no-

Before she could finish her sentence a rough hand flew into the back of her hair dragging her upwards to stand in only the thin sheer underwear she often wore to bed, her own hands reaching to try and prize the man away but with a stern shove she was left slamming back into a high nightstand with a painful huff

"Rules Karla! I make rules for a reason and you disobey them! How hard is it for your damaged brain to follow some simple fucking rules!"

He slammed reaching a sharp hand around the top of her arm dragging her across the room aggressively to stand in front of a tall standing mirror, the bruise still present along her chin amongst her other tiny scratches and scrapes a sight she didn't really feel like looking at.. the man behind her however forcing her to do so with a reluctant eye

"Look at yourself! Useless! Can't function in society without a babysitter! I bet even that friend of yours is exhausted having to deal with just a few moments of your bullshit!"

"She likes being with me! She thinks I'm beautiful!"

Immediately the man pushed her forwards into the mirror forcing her fingertips around the frame to stare herself dead in the eye, she hated intense eye contact even with herself but right now she felt nothing but a shell of her usual confident self.. he had a way of doing that.. reducing her into a timid mess...

"She's a liar! Too afraid to tell you the truth in case you freak out and cause a scene! You've always been too sensitive Karla!"

"Yeah? Well you've always been an asshole so old habits huh!"

She snapped turning around to face him greeted quickly with a slapping hand across her face pausing her still in her spot as the man walked towards the nightstand to grab for her clothes shoving them deep into her chest with a knowing look

"Get dressed! You're leaving!"

"W- What? I'm leaving? What are you-

"You wanna talk to me like you're some big shot you can get the fuck out of my house!"

He hissed pushing her backwards forcing her to anxiously dress slipping her skirt over her hips and her shirt across her shoulders, the moments realising her routine of being at home was about to be broken setting a painful ache into her stomach... Camila needed her routine.. needed to be in her bed when she slept..

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