Chapter 16

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I can't remember the last time I'd slept so well, my eyes flickering open all on their own only to be greeted with a face directly mirroring my own, her eyes were closed but I somehow could still feel the green, shallow relaxed breaths and a relaxed pair of lips so beautiful I couldn't help but smile..

It felt weird being in her bed, any bed that wasn't my own actually? But with her body holding me, her fingertips draped lazily around my hips I felt nothing but majorly safe, like the sheets around us a fortress of solidity holding us while she stood guard.. guard over what I wasn't sure.. but when I reached a palm up to cup her hot cheek I only cooed at the way her brows and lips contort.. I didn't mean to wake her, make her stir but I just wanted to feel her again... brush my fingertips over those sharp cheek bones and temples

"Mmm Good morning!"

"I didn't mean to wake you.. I'm sorry.."

I giggled as she lift her arm to stretch out her entire spine like a sun spent kitten, a small groan from her throat and the blazing emerald orbs shifted to fall back into my stature, her fingertips moving, travelling up against my back with a satisfied scratch into my spine as we settled to look at each other in a moment of content

"Not so bad huh? The bed.."

"Not so bad! I think it's more so you being in it though.. you make me feel safe!

"I'm glad.. you're safe with me always I hope you know that mama.."

She began watching me smile back with a glimmer in her eye I couldn't help but warm over, they told stories.. like poets ingrained in the green, books embedded in the dark line that surrounded them.. I loved it! They were the easiest to read..

"Hey.. I have to go to work today.. you can stay here if you want too, curl up on the couch and watch a few movies?"

"Yeah sure.. sounds good! I don't really feel like going outside today anyway so.."

"Well neither do I but this bitch has responsibilities.."

She giggled.. that giggle.. it was the best sound in the world.. song birds and sweet guitars couldn't even compare, it reassured me while filling with me with joy all at the same time! I was happy to be alone for a while in all honesty, my mind so chaotic and stressed recently it would probably help to reset..

I watched her stand, travel over towards the bathroom before walking out fresh faced and painted with makeup so pristine it was unbelievable, strict winged liner and shimmering highlight cheeks only extending the perception I had on her astounding beauty..

"Why do you look at me like that? Not- to be rude or anything just.. you always stare like you're looking for something?"

She asked sweetly as she dragged the tight black up against her thighs zipping in the front before popping the shiny button.. she looked fucking incredible.. lace black bra and toned strong shoulders over her ivory blush skin.. a painting!

"My brain gets excited when I look at beautiful things, it makes my stomach feel warm and my eyes feel happy so.. I stare.. I can stop if you wa-

"No! I mean I like it? I was just curious.."

I smiled back curling up under the covers to continuing watching as she grab for her shirt to pull over her shoulders dragging out the thick locks of black caught underneath with the slick grabbing of her dark leather jacket.. I hated how it felt, loved how it looked! She really was something else? Like a picture created by angels.. even the way she blinked was beautiful? Dark heavy lashes hiding her eyes for only a second before opening back up into a wondrous world of awe

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