Chapter 1

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Karla stood against a lone wall within a dark unlit back ally sucking happily upon the cherry flavoured red lollipop she was never failed to be seen with, her unhinged brain not even the slightest bit afraid of the dark nor the beasts that could lurk within.. she just stood.. enjoying her sickly sweet candy with a sadistic smile plastered across her face waiting for her brother Sam to arrive for their little trip to the bar... she was bored.. so bored that the dim figure passing by the end of the ally caught her eyes into a shimmering shine as she called out after for his return

"HEY! Hey you!"

The man turned back pointing at his chest as the girl peeled from the wall to lean rolling her tongue over the cherry with a small chirpy nod and a quiet 'mhmm' before the man ventured only a few paces towards the edge of the walls, her sweet innocent looking frame all alone at the late time of night for some reason not threatening him even considering the fact she was grinning like a psychopath

"You wanna play with me?"

"W- What? Sorry are you ok? Did you need me to call somebody for you?"

He sounded sweet.. kind.. she loved that.. easier to manipulate as she giggled to herself with a shaking head pulling the candy from her mouth to twist between her fingertips scrapping her heel into the floor with a menacing gaze

"I just wanna play! Come here.. I don't bite?"

"I uh.. ok? Are you sure you're alright though? Are you here with anyone?"

The man asked innocently venturing into the alleyway towards Karla's not so innocent frame, she was bored and that unfortunately for him was one of her most dangerous moods.. there was no doubt the girl didn't want to play nice.. no.. play to her was something far more sinister as the sweet man now stood only a few feet from her heels

"Do I look like I'm here with anyone? Come on.. don't be boring let's play a game!"

"W- uhh.. what kind of game? Are you trying to seduce me right now?"

The girl extend out her tongue sucking the cherry back into her mouth before examining the man's frame up and down, the evil intent in her eye and confident stature one that immediately intimidate him as he clamped together his fingertips in front of his quickly noticed Gucci belt.. she stepped forwards pressing her fingertip into the buckle with a small giggle before looking up at him with a tilted gaze

"Real Gucci?"

"Um.. yeah? $5,000... why?"

"Can I have it?"

The man backed away swiping her fingers from his jeans with a furrowed confused brow, the blunt very forward question a strange one in the almost pitch black alley.. he soon began to realise the girl to be either insane or majorly dangerous.. unfortunately for him she was both..

"No! You can't? Look whatever this is I'm not interested.. I have to go-

Immediately he was cut off by a sharp hand around the throat throwing him back into the wall with a heavy hit to the head forcing him to silence for a moment as the girl popped the lollipop from within her mouth to tighten her grip around his slender throat, her smile now angry as he attempted to walk away without giving her what she had wanted

"I said I want to fucking play! PLAY WITH ME!"

She yelled in his face scaring him effortlessly as her evil giggle followed with her hand now dropping to her side.. he didn't move... didn't even attempt to say anything out of pure terror only watching as she paced back to smile now happy he wasn't leaving..

"Give me the belt!"

The man quickly reached down now to unbuckle the expensive belt sliding it from within its loops to hand over to the girl immediately smiling with happy tapping feet.. he was confused.. he'd settled on the fact she was crazy now.. just the way she spoke and handled herself.. she was terrifying

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