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Dark shadows stretched along the curvature of the hallway, reaching out for any light. Harrison Wells quietly moved past in his wheelchair, his blank expression giving him a otherworldly stare. He stopped at a familiar section of the wall and checked for any onlookers before accessing the hidden door inside the hallway. The wall quickly folded into itself and gave way to a small room. Wells entered and closed the door behind him. He released a slightly frustrated sigh as he pushed himself upward from his wheelchair. His feet quickly left the chair behind as he stood and admired the object sitting before him. The single HIVE device sat quietly at his feet, free to face further perversion at the hands of the sinister man. Wells examined the device and stood satisfied that it would work perfectly for what he had planned for it. He glanced to a strange reflective surface hanging on the wall beside him and watched as Harrison Wells' face transformed into that of Eobard Thawn's. He smiled while looking to his true self, confident that his plan could now be completed.

"Time to go home."

Arrow: Fracture Part 3Where stories live. Discover now