Static Void

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The flames flickered in the darkness as Oliver cautiously moved into the abandoned room. Signs of previous residents leaving in a hurry were prevalent throughout the area. Most of the torches had burnt out and a few empty supply containers lay on their sides. Oliver scanned the darkness, ready for an ambush and prepared to end whoever was unlucky enough to attempt it. To his disappointment he quickly sensed that the League safe house was empty and all that remained was a message. Nyssa's body lay motionless on the floor, a puddle of blood engulfing her. Oliver paused at the entrance of the room and examined the fallen assassin from a distance before slowly approx her. A shuttered breath exited Nyssa as she kept still for the exception of her chest rising and falling with each painful breath. She heard Oliver's footsteps and knew he would be the first to find her, his determination and rage would lead him to Ra's eventually but first it lead him to the Demon's work. Oliver stopped over Nyssa and looked down at her, no remorse in his gaze. A quick impulse to finish her off passed through him, but he instead let her suffer.

"You were right." Nyssa muttered softly, her eyes still closed. Oliver knelt down, slightly leaning over her.

"Where is he?" Oliver spoke. He knew she wouldn't know, but he couldn't stop himself from chasing down the mad man.

"I didn't need to I never asked." Nyssa answered, almost laughing at how she had lived her life through an indoctrinated state under the League and her father.

"Ofcourse you didn't." Oliver said, disgusted and aggravated with the dying assassin. His instincts were pulling him away, Nyssa was a dead end and wouldn't lead him to Ra's. His mind fixated on his target and left room for nothing else, especially kindness and mercy. Oliver began to stand as Nyssa snatched his hand and kept him from moving. Her eyes glazed over as she stared blankly upward.

"I lived his way. I die my way." She spoke, needing her life to stand for something for once. Oliver remained silent, not needing to say anything and also knowing he wasn't supposed to. A brush of happiness over came Nyssa's face as she continued.

"I get to see Sara soon." The mention of Sara caught Oliver off guard for a moment, for a split second he saw Nyssa as a scared and dying woman who missed her beloved.

"I'm nervous." Nyssa added, a glint of excitement in her eyes. A spark of hope illuminated her iris for a brief moment before dying out as Nyssa slipped away. Her eyes faded as her head drifted to the side and her hand fell from Oliver's grasp. The motionless assassin lay in darkness as Oliver stood and left her, he had no use for her. A laptop on the table nearby switched to life with a live image of a disheveled older man looking to the screen.

"You caused it." Whorrsmen began, his voice rough and dry. Oliver turned toward the laptop and approached it. Whorrsmen struggled for the words as guilt obviously hung around him.

"No, you lured her out and straight to Ra's." Oliver replied. The older man twitched at the mention of the horrible events which he had a hand in, his mind unwilling to accept his involvement.

"I tried to keep her safe, but killed her the day you brought her a broken laptop." Whorrsmen firmly stated, knowing his knowledge of such a meaningful event to Oliver would wound deeply. The sound of Oliver's gloves tightening caught his attention as he leaned closer to the laptop's camera.

"Next time I see you, I will kill you." Oliver promised. He needed no other words that would express nothing coming between him and his target, the deadly and lifeless glare in his eyes said everything else that he didn't. Whorrsmen glared into the threatening eyes and saw the truth behind the man's statement, knowing his days were truly numbered before this beast would end him.

"I hope so." He ended, cutting the feed. The screen went black, leaving only a reflection of the beast lurking in Oliver's gaze.

The pot holes in the street caused the van to bounce back and forth as it cut through the Glades. Diggle focused on getting the team to the destination while Roy sat beside him and doublechecked his gear. Sin sat in the back with Riley as she finished explaining the information she had.

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