Blood Rush: Results

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A sense of disgust overcame Felicity as she and Roy moved down the hallway following the Mercury Lab's host. The overall layout of the surrounding labs and their equipment was something out of a science fiction movie, the nonstop gleam from reflective surfaces and futurism tone had Felicity fighting the urge to roll her eyes at every turn. The plan had begun perfectly, thankfully with Queen Tech's recent string of success, a tour to appetize a potential collaboration wasn't hard to arrange on such short notice. Most of the guide's dialogue and sale's pitch had gone unheard as Felicity and Roy both prepared for the more difficult portion of their task.

"As you've no doubt observed our security is state of the art." The host began as he paused beside a sealed door leading to the prototype area and hidden labs.

"For example this section of the building is protected by a triple encoded biometric sensor that will only allow access to a select few employees. A device that we here at Mercury Labs have designed ourselves." The host proudly stated as he turned toward the sensor pad with a wide grin on his face. A moment later and the man suddenly collapsed under his own weight and into Roy's surprised arms. A look of shock and confusion passed between Roy and Felicity as he struggled to drag the unconscious man into a nearby closet.

"What? You can't tell me that you didn't find him annoying too." Felicity explained as she returned the syringe-gun into her purse and went to work on the locked door. Roy successfully relocated the host and closed the closet door to hide him before returning to Felicity as she easily bypassed the security systems via her tablet. The keypad chimed as the doors slid open, allowing Roy and Felicity to pass through.

"Triple encoded my ass." Felicity confidently muttered as she and Roy quickly moved toward the lab they needed. A quick glance at the blueprints before their arrival had made the trek easier than stopping to ask for directions from one of the many nearby labs. Felicity and Roy entered the empty lab and moved to the main desktop terminal where Felicity began her search for Curtis's blood work.

"ETA?" Roy asked, not wanting to linger in a restricted area any longer than they had to.

"Two minutes tops." Felicity replied, digging through the numerous files and firewalls.

The buzz of Thea's phone snapped it up as she read Roy's message.

We're in. 2 minutes

"They're in. We should have a location soon." Thea relayed as she glanced up from the back of the van. Diggle anxiously gripped the steering wheel as he nodded in response. Oliver looked to thte passenger seat and studied Riley's body language, not surprised to find the ARGUS operative unshaken and calm. The tablet in his hands was synced and ready to go once Felicity uploaded the results.

"I'm still confused why I couldn't drive myself." Thea said as she adjusted herself in the uncomfortable seat.

"Operating during the day is a bit different from working at night. Keeping a low profile might help keep the SCPD away from the fight." Oliver explained, knowing his sister knew exactly why they needed to use the van but understanding that he uncomfortable response was from a sense of claustrophobia around Riley.

"Besides, keeping you away from a steering wheel is probably best for public safety." Riley added, still hoping to reconnect with his childhood friend. Thea gritted her teeth as she passed a hateful glare toward Riley.

"Barry never has to deal with stuff like this." Thea muttered, noting the difference in how the Green Arrow and the Flash were viewed by the public.

"Yeah that's cause he's too busy fighting giant talking gorillas." Diggle replied, shaking his head at how strange life had become compared to how simple it used to seem.

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