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I was born different to the rest of my family, you see they are all human whereas I am a faunas and I'm not a regular faunas at that. I am a demon faunas. The fact that I had a twin sister did not help me when it came to family life. My father hated me so much that once I hit the age of five he shipped me off to Vale to some boarding school. This wouldn't have been so bad if it wasn't for the fact that my sister and I were so close.

Once I got to Vale I ended up in boarding school but I soon ended up wanting to run away from there because it was such a bad place to live, especially for a child. The adults that were in charge of the school were extremely abusive towards me and the other children, but mainly me since I'm a faunas so I was treated as if I was worth much less than the rest of the kids. Most of the kids there didn't really like me for the same reasons that adults didn't. There was one child that liked me there though, her name was Neo.

Neo and I went on for roughly 4 years just living on the streets as friends but during our fifth year we became more than friends. We were in love for a while, and it was amazing. The two of us were working on making a life together. That was until a man called Roman Torchwick came along and talked Neo into coming along with him to aid in his plan to take dust and help some other people with their plan and to help their 'Queen' or whatever.

After Neo was convinced by Roman to join him, the two of us got into a massive argument that caused the two of us to go our separate ways. Neo went with Roman to do whatever it was that they needed to do, and I started drinking. Losing Neo was one of the worst things that ever happened to me but it was also a good thing, I didn't realise this at first but later on it would become evident this was the case.

Two rough years went by in a flash as I had spent the majority of it drunk and in fights. This has obviously left me with plenty of scars and a not so pretty reputation on the streets of Vale. These two years had also changed me, physically, I had gotten much stronger, my body was covered in scars from all the brawls I had gotten into and I had gotten myself some tattoos while drunk. Normally a drunken tattoo isn't a good idea but I am quite fond of mine.

One night I was lying on my mattress that sat in the middle of my crappy studio apartment when it hit me. I didn't like who I had become. This is when I decided to change and start trying to clean the streets of Vale of the criminals that lurked in the shadows. I found quick success as a vigilante and was even marked 'Demon' by the criminals that I fought and turned over to the police. The nickname didn't spawn from the horns I had though since you couldn't tell they were really a part of me thanks to my mask.

My life had really become much better as a vigilante and one day it changed for the better once again.

Now let's see how that happens shall we...........

(A/N I know never stated how long the two of them were staying at the boarding school, it was for quite a while. Y/N wanted to leave as soon he experienced what it was like there. I know that made it confusing, sorry about that. He and Neo ran away a few years after they first met in the school so he wasn't like 10 when he started drinking. Yes he was drinking underage but he was not that young. He was not a great guy at the time so he obviously had a fake ID and would use intimidation in a lot of situations. Again sorry for the confusion.)

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