Burning the Candle

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The door to the ballroom swings open as Y/N and Yang walk in together both of them carrying a large speaker in their arms. As they walk, they see a frustrated Weiss walking away from a defeated Ruby. The two put their speakers down in front of the stage and walk over to Ruby. 

Yang: So, have you picked out a dress yet? 

Ruby: What's the point? Who cares about the dance if Blake isn't going? 

Yang: Oh, don't worry. She's going. 

Y/N: You have a plan? 

Yang: Yeah, and you're coming with me. 

Yang then suddenly turns around looking behind where Y/N is standing. 

Yang: Weiss! I thought we agreed! No dollies! 

Weiss: (pointing and Yang) If I don't get dollies, you don't get fog machines. 

[Door opening] 

Neptune: Your dance is gonna have fog machines? 

Weiss: We were thinking about it. 

Neptune: That's pretty cool. 

Sun: You ladies all excited for dress-up?

Ruby: Pfft, yeah right. 

Yang: Laugh all you want. I'll be turning heads tomorrow night, well one in particular. (glances at Y/N)

Yang starts to blush a little as she scratches the back of her head. The group all look at her in confusion while Y/N smirks at her. 

Weiss: Anyway, what are you two wearing? 

Sun: (gestures to his outfit) Uh, this. 

Neptune: Ignore him, for he knows not what he says. 

Sun: Hey, I may have moved to Mistral, but I grew up in Vacuo. It's not exactly a shirt-and-tie kinda place. 

Y/N: (sarcastically) Gee, you don't say. 

Sun: So, uh... what does Blake think of all say? She still being all, you know... Blake-y? 

Weiss: Obviously. 

Ruby: I still can't think of a way to change her mind. 

Yang: Guys. Blake will be at the dance tomorrow. 


Blake sits at a table on a computer typing away. Until she notices a laser being pointed at the screen, when she notices this, she turns around clearly agitated. She looks around only to find nothing, she goes back to typing but the laser appears once again, this time on her hand. Blake clenches her fist in anger but the laser begins to move around on the screen, enraging her enough to stand up and have another look around the room with her fists clenched. Blake sees the laser on the floor and stomps after it. Eventually, the laser rounds a corner and runs straight into Yang. 

Yang: (singing) ~Hellooooo!~

Blake: What are you -?! 

Yang: We need to talk. 

Yang grabs ahold of Blake's wrist and drags her out of the library. 

Blake: Ah! 


In the classroom, Yang sits on the teacher's desk, Y/N atop a student's desk while Blake paces around. 

Blake: Yang, if you're going to tell me to stop you may as well save your breath. 

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