Catching up

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"That is such a childish reason to hate him for but I don't think that you hate him. After all, you don't bully him as much anymore."

Bakugou slowly looked at her. "What have you been doing after you moved?"

She looked at her lap. "Dad threw himself into work and drinking so I was always alone. When we ran out of groceries, I would wait until he was passed out to take some money and go to buy groceries. Some of the old ladies would pity me and would go with me to the store, help me choose the right groceries, and would even help me pay for them. When I went to school, I was bullied for having a father that hates me. After years of dealing with that, I packed up my things and ran away to an orphanage."

Bakugou looked at her in shock. "What?!"

She leaned back. "I told them my story and they took me in. I made some great friends and when I left to go live with Auntie and Mido-chan, five of the kids made me earrings so I went to a jewelry store, and got my ears pierced with all the earrings that they gave me. That way... I can always have them with me." Shizuku weakly smiled. "My father hasn't tried to contact me so I bet he doesn't realize that I'm gone."

Bakugou glared at her, standing up. "I'm going to fucking kill him!"

She jumped. "No!"

She pulled him down and they both blushed from how close they were. He backed away and laughed a bit. "Despite all of that, you haven't fucking changed at all since we were kids."

She looked at his face and blushed lightly

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She looked at his face and blushed lightly. Shizuku leaned forward and kissed his cheek. Bakugou looked at her and pulled her into a kiss. She kissed him back, pulling him closer. They pulled away and she smiled. 'Let's keep this a secret.'

He pouted, moving closer. 'I fucking hate that idea.'

She kissed his forehead. 'Mido-chan doesn't want you to hurt me. If you really do want to be with me, then we have to keep this a secret.'

Bakugou pulled her close to his body. 'Fine, but you're mine. Don't fucking forget that nerd.'

She smiled, closing her eyes. 'I won't....'

Shizuku listened to Bakugou rant about what he has been up to over the years. She loved seeing him being the same energetic boy that she knew. After hours of talking, they stood up and went to sleep. In the morning, Izuku woke up early with Uraraka. They walked over to Shizuku and woke her up. 'Lets go home Shizuku-chan.'

She slowly stood up and walked to the bathroom, changing her clothes. Shizuku retrieved her stuff and walked with them. "I'm surprised that you two became a couple. Auntie is going to love you Uraraka."

Uraraka blushed a bit. "Y-You really t-think so?"

She nodded and walked onto the train. They were quiet during the ride and got off at their station. They walked to the apartment and knocked on the door. Inko opened the door and jumped when she saw Uraraka. "Izuku, Shizuku, did you two bring a friend home?"

Shizuku smirked. "Even better, say hello to your future daughter-in-law, Mido-chan's girlfriend, Ochako Uraraka!"

Izuku and Uraraka turned a dark red and Inko smiled. "That's amazing!" She hugged Izuku, tears in her eyes. "I'm so proud of you baby!"

Uraraka smiled at them. "What do you do for fun?"

Inko smiled. "Board games, hanging out, and singing. We would have Shizuku play the guitar and sing together."

"Can you play me a song?"

Izuku gave Uraraka his phone to record. Shizuku grabbed her guitar and started playing. She started singing and soon, Izuku and Inko joined her. Uraraka's eyes widened in shock, before joining them. She handed the phone to Izuku when they finished. 

Izuku thanked her and secretly uploaded it to YouTube. "You guys sounded amazing!!"

Inko smiled. "It's amazing how much fun you can have with these two."

Everyone laughed and when they went to school, everyone was looking at Shizuku in shock. Several people ran up to her, asking her to teach them how to play the guitar.She looked at them in shock until they showed her the video. 

She glared a bit. "Izuku Midoriya!!!"

Izuku jumped and ran behind Iida. "H-Help me Iida!"

"Miss Eichi, why are you angry with Midoriya?"

She held out her phone, revealing the video.

"You are on your own Midoriya."

Izuku ran only to have Shizuku chase after him. "HOW DARE YOU POST THAT VIDEO WITHOUT MY PERMISSION!!!"




Hey man, listen to this song. It's amazing.

The man opened the link and was shocked to see Shizuku, Izuku, and Inko in it. He watched Shizuku sing and felt tears go down his face. He covered his mouth after a while.

'W-When did you get so big? When did you grow up? H-How long has it been...?'

He broke down into a fit of tears. 'I'm so sorry sweetie.....'


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Uraraka bandaged up a few cuts that were on Izuku's face. "You sure that you don't want to go to Recovery Girl?"

Izuku nodded. "Yeah, besides I deserve these."

Shizuku nodded. "I agree."

"Hey Shizuku~."

A scared expression formed on her face, seeing Mineta run towards her. "How do you play guitar and look so beautiful as well~?"

She watched Bakugou grabbed the back of his head, activating his quirk. Mina looked at him in shock. "That's the first time you stand up for someone Bakugou."

Others nodded. "Kac-chan." He saw a dark look on her face. "No matter who it is, you shouldn't hurt others."

Izuku sighed. "You just threw Mineta out the window." 

Shizuku leaned against the wall next to the open window. "This isn't about that pervert."

Aizawa walked into the room with Mineta in his arms. "Alright everyone, sit down." 

The day went by quickly and Izuku and Shizuku walked home together. When they got home, Shizuku saw a being next to Inko, causing her to drop her bag. She stared at the being with wide eyes.


(Author's Note: The digital art of the man crying is my art and the video above is the song that they sing.)

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