Running from the past

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Shizuku glared a bit when her father stood up. "Shizuku, sweetie-"


Her father looked at her in shock when he saw tears form in her eyes, seeing that they turned silver. "Is it because I'm not there to take care of the house anymore?! Or is it so that pig could get away with his crimes!!"

'What are you t-talking about?'

Shizuku turned around and ran out of the apartment, dropping her phone as she ran. Inko and Izuku looked at Kyoya. "What did she mean by 'that pig' Uncle?"

He slowly shook his head. 'I-I don't know.'

Izuku contacted everyone in his class and they started searching for her. 

"Oi! Shizuku! Where are you?!"

Bakugou ran around the city until it was dark. 'Fuck... where are you?'

He looked over and saw her walking down an empty alleyway. Bakugou quickly ran over to her and wrapped his arms tightly around her from behind. Her eyes went wide and she grabbed her head tightly, screaming loudly. She grabbed his face, activating her quirk and looked at Bakugou in shock.

He winced in pain, having a few light burns on his face. 'K-Katsuki?'

She hugged him tightly, crying into his shirt. He rubbed her back gently. 'Who fucking did it? Who raped you?'

Shizuku grabbed his shirt. 'One of my dad's coworkers.... It was before dad became a hollow being..... That jackass was supposed to babysit me....'

Her grip slowly tightened. 'He got drunk and... and....' She broke down into a fit of tears. 'I was too ashamed to tell anyone what he did.... I was just a kid....'

Bakugou held her close to him. 'Come on, lets take you back home. That fucker needs to know what that man fucking did.'

Bakugou picked her up, causing her to hide her face in his shirt, taking in his scent. He took her back to the apartment and kicked the door. Inko opened the door and saw an angry Bakugou. "Where's her shitty father?!"

Kyoya walked over and got kicked in the stomach. Inko freaked out. "Sit down and comfort Shizuku!"

Inko slowly nodded and Bakugou put Shizuku next to Inko. Bakugou walked over to Kyoya and put a foot on his stomach. "You ignore your fucking daughter most of her fucking life and now you want her back?!" He kicked him roughly. "WHY THE FUCK WOULD SHE WANT TO GO BACK TO A PLACE WHERE HER FATHER DOESN'T REALIZE THAT SOMETHING HORRIBLE HAPPENED TO HER?!?!"

Shizuku watched Bakugou in fear.

"You didn't fucking protect her! YOU GAVE THAT MAN A CHANCE TO FUCKING RAPE HER!!"

Inko covered her mouth in shock and Izuku looked at Shizuku with wide eyes.

Kyoya weakly looked at her. "I-Is that true?"

Shizuku weakly looked away, hiccuping. She weakly nodded, causing Izuku to run over and hug her tightly, bawling his eyes out. 

Bakugou grabbed his shirt, lifting him up. "You can't change the fucking past but you better get that damn extra and get justice for what he fucking did, understand?!"

Bakugou saw him looked away in, causing him to let go. He walked over to Shizuku and picked her up. "She's staying the fucking night at my place."

Before anyone could tell him otherwise, he grabbed her phone and walked out. Shizuku fell asleep against him, tired from how much she was crying. He kept her close, not trusting everyone around them. When he reached his house, her saw his mom open the door. Her eyes widened when she saw Shizuku. "Does Inko know that she's here?!"

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