Day at the Mall

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When Bakugou woke up, he saw that Shizuku was sleeping next to him. He slowly touched her hair, causing her to slowly wake up. She weakly smiled. 'Hey...'

He looked away. 'Hey extra, lets get up before that old hag comes in here.'

Shizuku smiled, giggling a bit. 'Alright.' She slowly stood up, stretching. She walked out of the room before Bakugou, only to be hugged by Mitsuki. 

"How you feeling today Shizuku?"

"Better, I'm sorry for intruding here on such a short notice."

Mitsuki laughed. "Anytime dear. We are happy to help."

Shizuku smiled until Mitsuki grabbed her hand. "Now lets go shopping to help you forget about that man!"

Bakugou glared at his mother. "We have school you fucking old hag!"

She smacked him on the back of his head. "QUIET! Besides, she needs this!"

Before she could get out of it, Mitsuki dragged her out of the door. Shizuku pouted as they drove to the mall.

"Seriously, if you need anything, you can always talk to me."

Shizuku weakly smiled. "I'll be fine as long as I don't see that man."

When they reached the mall, Mitsuki pulled out her phone. "Now smile at the camera!"

With a pained smile on her face, she posed

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With a pained smile on her face, she posed. Mitsuki took a picture and sent it to Bakugou. "Perfect! Now lets go!"

Shizuku followed Mitsuki around the mall, buying clothes until she stopped in front of a store. Mitsuki stopped and looked at her. "What's wrong dear?"

'Do you think... Katsuki will like this?'

Mitsuki looked into the window and nodded. "I'm sure that he would love that but why-"

Mitsuki jumped when she saw that Shizuku was missing. She ran into the shop and saw that Shizuku was at the register, paying for the small object. She weakly smiled when she saw Shizuku blush a bit, holding the bag close to her with a smile.

"Trying to win my son's heart?"

Shizuku turned a dark red and rubbed the back of her head sheepishly. "Y-You could say that."

Mitsuki hugged her tightly. "You are too good for him! I would love to have you as a daughter in law!"

Shizuku giggled a bit and heard the news appear on a tv outside of the store. They walked outside and Shizuku weakly smiled, tears forming in her eyes when she look at the screen.

Head Manager at ******* arrested for raping a child.

'He did it... He really did it...'

Mitsuki rubbed her head. 'I'm glad that he finally realized how to start becoming a better father.'

Shizuku bowed to Mitsuki. "Thank you for spending time with me today but I should head back home and reconnect with my father while I still have the chance." 

Mitsuki laughed. "Anytime, I'm sure that my baby boy enjoyed having you over."

Shizuku handed her the bag. "Please give this to Katsuki for me please."

She slowly nodded and watched Shizuku run off. She ran to the bus stop and weakly smiled when she got to the station on time. With her heart beating faster the closer she got back to the apartment, she hoped that her father was still there.

When she saw the apartments in the distance, she quickly got her things and got off of the bus. Shizuku ran and opened the door, smiling when she saw that her father was sitting at the table.


His eyes widened and he stood up, only to be hugged tightly by Shizuku. She cried into his shirt. 'You really are back to normal... I finally have my daddy back....'

Kyoya teared up and hugged her back, pulling her close. 'And I'm never leaving again.... I'm so sorry for leaving you alone for so long....'

She weakly giggled. 'It's fine, you're here now. That's all that matters.'

Inko walked into the room and weakly smiled when she saw them. "I'm glad that things are back to normal between you two. How about you two help me with dinner?"

They nodded and went straight into the kitchen. While they cooked, Kyoya told Shizuku jokes, causing her to laugh from how cheesy they were. They got dinner ready and half an hour later, Izuku came home. 


His eyes went wide when he saw Shizuku run over to him. She hugged him tightly and he saw his mom and Kyoya smiling. Izuku teared up, knowing that everything was back to normal.


"Katsuki! Come here!!"

Bakugou glared at his mother. "What do you want old hag?!!"

She smacked him hard. "Quiet! And here." She handed him a small paper bag.

"What is this?"

"Just open it!"

Bakugou opened the bag and his eyes widened when he saw a glowing dragon necklace

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Bakugou opened the bag and his eyes widened when he saw a glowing dragon necklace. Mistuki smiled. "Glad that you like it, she thought that you would."

He glared at his mother. "No I don't! I fucking hate it!!"

He went to his room and slammed the door shut. Bakugou laid down on his bed and looked at the necklace. He smiled a bit as he examined the details in the necklace. 'You really do know me, you fucking nerd.'

He pulled out his phone and took a picture of the necklace.

Shizuku heard her phone vibrate and turned it on. 'A message?' She opened the message and a light blush formed on her face. She smiled a bit, holding her phone close to her.

Hey nerd, the old hag just gave me this. You always did fucking knew what I would like. Don't expect anything from me, you fucking got it?!

She sent him a reply message before putting her phone in her room, hiding it.  Bakugou heard a notification and smiled at the message he received.

I'm glad that you like it. I saw it and it instantly reminded me of you. I love you Katsuki~.

'Heh... I fucking love you too nerd.'

(Author's note: The digital art of Shizuku was done by my friend on Instagram. They are amazing at doing digital art so I hope you guys go and talk to them!!)

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