Chapter 9

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1 Day Later
I arrived home from college about one and a half hours ago and I have just finished the last part of my assignment that is due tomorrow. I sent it off now though so I don't forget and decided to get ready for going to the studio. I put my sweatpants, sports bra and a zip up jacket on and some comfortable footwear.

By the time I had arrived at the dance studio, it was almost 7pm which gave me enough time to put my bags in the studio room and warm up. I made sure to stretch out as well so I didn't strain or pull any muscles.

Wooyoung and San soon arrived, greeting me and getting straight into warming up. After warming up, they decided to teach me a choreography that they had just finished working on.

As I watched the two perform, I took in the moves they did, trying to keep it in my mind. It was always easier to learn the choreography if you have seen it a few times first to familiarise yourself with it.

When they finished, I clapped, showing my appreciation for it. "That was amazing! Can you show it me again? I always learn better when I have seen it a few times."

"Sure!" Wooyoung stated proudly. They must have an amazing stamina because they got back up and went through the choreography again not even seeming breathless.

San and Wooyoung then taught me the skills one by one. I remembered a few parts from watching but they pretty much helped me learn the rest.

After 45 minutes, I had learned all of the choreography and we were now ready to perform it together. We made sure to video it so we could fix any mistakes.

After filming, we sat on the floor while Wooyoung grabbed the iPad to observe our practice. Wooyoung came back sitting in between San and I. Wooyoung shuffled up, extremely close to me so I could see the screen and San moved towards Wooyoung.

We observed ourselves as the video played and it turned out that we didn't make any mistakes. That was surprising for me as I am a perfectionist and I always find minor mistakes in videos but there was none. I felt so proud of myself. Maybe it is the fact that San and Wooyoung were great at teaching or maybe I was actually getting better. The only thing I would say could use room for improvement is our timing. It isn't too noticeable but I feel like we just need more practice to be in sync.

"Wow, this looks amazing. This choreography suits us so well." Wooyoung mumbled, grinning from ear to ear.

"All the moves are great but I feel like we should be more in sync." San said as he observed the video.

"The sync isn't too bad but with more practice it will be perfect." I added. The two nodded in agreement.

We practiced a few more times and decided to call it a night.

San had to rush off, saying something about forgetting that he had to babysit his little sister in 15 minutes so that left Wooyoung and I.

"Are you up for getting some food before going home? I'm starving after all that hard work." Wooyoung asked.

"Yeah, sure! I haven't ate anything since lunch so I'm starving too." I replied.

We grabbed our bags and off we went to the closest restaurant we could find.

We ended up at a fried chicken place which looked delicious. Well, the food on the tables looked delicious and it was quite busy so it must be decent.

Red - Jung Wooyoung x Reader x Choi San (ATEEZ)Where stories live. Discover now