chapter 6

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please correct my grammar and punctuation if you see anything wrong.

y/n replaces hagakure in this.

chapter 6

You walked through the gates of UA and took a seat on the nearest bench.

You took a look around while you breathed in the fresh air.

It was cherry blossom season and the school had quite a few of the trees on school grounds.

You'd always thought they were beautiful and you were very happy to be starting your first day of high school with such a nice view.

"Scooch over a little." Hanta jokingly demanded as he went to sit down next to you. "Do you want to go in now or wait for Denki?"

It was already getting close to the time class started but you really wanted to see your best friend before going in.

"Do you know how far away-" You started but were interrupted by the boy himself running over to the two of you.

"Hey, i'm sorry i took so long. I fell on the way here so i stopped at the store to get some bandaids." He said as he lifted up his hands to show you two the bandaids on his palms.

"Dumbass." Hanta said, shaking his head in disapproval before he started to walk off towards the entrance doors.

"Oh - and by the way, don't talk to me much durning school. I'm not here to make friends and if people see me buddy-buddy with you two they might think that's an invitation to talk to me."

You didn't mean it in a bad way, you just were not interested in talking with others here and didn't want others to think that you were. You were here to become a hero, that's it.

"We know." They said in unison. They knew you well and you knew that. Hanta was your twin and denki had known you guys since your first year of elementary school.

"You're always so serious." Denki joked, pushing you over slightly.

You rolled your eyes in reply and started to walk off ahead.

"Well, there he goes." Hanta said while scratching the back of his head.

They decided to give you a minute or so head start.

They weren't offended and they understood why you wanted this but they did wish you'd let your walls down sometimes and make new friends. All you had was them and your mother.

It took you about three minutes to find your class - class 1a.

It was the first door on the right side of the second floor.

'This door is huge.' You thought as you walked up to it.

When you opened the door you were met with seventeen other students.

The only people that weren't there were Denki and Hanta - big surprise.

'i guess they had trouble finding it too, or else they would have beaten me - despite the head start.'

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