Chapter 9

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Chapter 9

After breakfast Hanta and Denki took a nap. Denki slept until about 2pm and Hanta slept until right before dinner. Your brother went to go sleep in his own room and Denki came up to sleep in yours.

You weren't able to sleep yourself but you were okay with that.

You didn't mind having the blond boy curled up in your arms as he slept, even though you were awake. It wasn't uncomfortable for you. You just threw on a movie as you waited for him to wake up.

The rest of the afternoon was spent watching movies, playing video games and making cookies - which was Denki's request. He adored sweets.

What had happened last night wasn't explicitly discussed but from the comment he had made durning breakfast you and Hanta understood what had happened.

It absolutely disgusted you all. A father doing something like that to his own son was unimaginable to you. You really wished that it was just about grades and that you didn't let him go home at all that night.

When he got back from the hospital he had been covered with bruises on his neck, arms, waist and hips.

He didn't really want you to see them but when he had changed his shirt in front of you - because he had spilt juice on himself - they were on full display.

You didn't tell your brother out of respect for Denki's privacy, but you knew he would probably be told eventually; Denki was just as close with Hanta as he was you, at least when it came to trust and your friendships.

Your mother told you both to not talk about it unless Denki brought it up himself and she had said to keep your distance and not touch him for a bit to try and make him more comfortable but he wanted your physical affection anyway and didn't once leave your side.

He even made you stand outside the door when he needed to go to the bathroom and made you come in when he showered.

Of course you couldn't see him because of the tinted shower doors. You just sat on the toilet seat until he was done, playing games on your phone and making conversation with him.

Once he got out you gave him his privacy and stepped outside the bathroom, still staying right behind the closed door because that's what he had wanted.

You were now in the kitchen cooking with your mother.

You made Denki's favorite dish - Tempura with a side of coconut rice. He insisted on helping you guys cook but your mother wanted him to rest and just watch tv on the couch - which was only about 6 yards away from the kitchen counter where you and your mother were standing by.

Hanta ended up getting up from bed because of the smell of the food. He smiled when he realized what you and your mother were making, knowing how much Denki loved it.

He strolled over into the living room, taking a seat a few feet away from Denki.

Denki had put on an anime called 'another' causing Hanta to cringe up. He wasn't the biggest fan of gore but if it made Denki happy he was perfectly fine with it.

"You can sit closer y'know." Denki chuckled when he noticed how far away he was.

They always sat close together and even sometimes cuddled when one or the other was feeling extra clingy, but Hanta didn't want to make him uncomfortable and they hadn't talked about the boundaries the boy might have wanted now.

"Alright." Hanta said, scratching the back of his neck before scooting over. Denki scooted closer himself and wrapped his arms around him. He let out content sigh and rested his head in the crook of his neck.

He didn't have romantic feeling for either of you but he was always - consensually - touchy. His love language was touch and he loved you both more than anything. You guys were his best friends.

"Alright boys. Are you ready to eat?" Your mother asked causing Denki's eyes to light up. He nodded in excitement and jumped up off of the couch. Hanta let out a laugh as he followed close behind him.

You and your mother put all of the plates and utensils down on the island before sitting down. You sat down next to Denki and Hanta and your mother sat across from you two.

"So, are you guys excited for school tomorrow? And Denki, I think you should stay home for tomorrow and rest up some more." Your mother said. You and Hanta nodded your heads as you took your firsts bites, happily humming.

"Yeah, okay. I was actually going to ask to stay home tomorrow. I just feel a little weird missing the second day." He frowned.

"I'll email the principal and your homeroom teacher. Do you want me to explain why or just say that you're sick." She asked, giving him a sad smile.

Denki sighed and shook his head yes. "I don't think they will be pleased missing a day so soon because I'm 'sick', so you can just tell them."

"Alright hun, now eat up."

After dinner you all took a shower. Denki once again wanted you to stay in there, along with Hanta this time as well.

Denki took about an hour in the shower because he was feeling dirty and bad about himself. This hurt you and Hanta, but you personally understood why.

After he was done you and Hanta went to shower yourselves and get ready for bed. Hanta went to the bathroom located in his room and you showered in Denki's.

Denki left for a moment to go get a snack and by the time he came back you were already getting out and putting on your pajamas.

You had your hair wrapped up in a bright yellow towel - a clean one Denki had in the bathroom closet - causing him to laugh at you, not being used to you wearing bright colors.

When he was finished eating you both brushed your teeth.

You decided that you were going to unpack his stuff and reorganize his room the way he wanted.

With Hanta's help guys put up more posters and LED lights that he set to his favorite color - yellow.

By the time you were done it was about 11pm and you decided it was time to go to bed.

You went to sleep in your own room because you didn't want to disturb him when you woke up in the morning.

He frowned but understood and let you go.

You were happy to go to bed and just wanted this day to be over. It wasn't horrible when you were distracted and busy doing stuff but finding out what had happened to him definitely did not make your day great.

You looked up at the ceiling before closing your eyes, letting the slumber take over you - hoping you didn't have any bad dreams tonight.

Do you guys like my writing style? I'll work on it better if you don't.

- K xx

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