Chapter 2

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Alrighty, I'm sorry this is off to a slow start but I promise it will get better in a few chapters.

you are only 14 here because you are currently a second year in junior high.

Chapter 2

"Alright everyone, this is Y/n. Everyone introduce yourselves. first name and pronouns. You can say one or two facts about you as well if you'd like."Hange said to the rest of the patients.

You had to use your first name since you aren't allowed to share your last name there for privacy reasons.

"We'll start with you Y/n." Hange said as she motioned to you.

You stiffen up a bit, not really wanting to talk, but you try to get through it.

"Oh well, my name's Y/n - he/him. I'm 14 and plan on attempting to get into UA next year. I'm a second year now and I really hope to go there for high school." You said, looking down trying to avoid eye contact with everyone.

You didn't have bad social anxiety but you didn't really care to be here.

You quickly looked up to see everyone and noticed that the blond haired boy - known as Katsuki - wasn't there. You thought maybe he was in a different age group and wondered if you would ever see him again.

After everyone had introduced themselves you went to your room to start unpacking.

You didn't have any roommates since there were 20 rooms and only 20 of you.

They only had people room together when they had more than 20, but at the moment they weren't taking anymore people in since they didn't have enough staff.

The ratio was 1 staff per 4 kids.

You went over to your dresser and opened up the drawers.

You only brought pajamas, underwear and an extra binder since during the day you had to wear the clothes they provided you with.

You weren't expecting to be there for very long so you only brought a weeks worth of clothes and if needed the staff could wash them.

As you unpacked you were waiting for your clinician to come and get you.

It hadn't been to long since you went to your room, which you did almost immediately after introductions, but you thought they were taking far to long.

It had been about 10 minutes but usually the clinician would come much sooner.

You heard a knock on your door but you couldn't see who it was.

They didn't have windows on the doors, and the windows that were in the rooms were covered with metal bars so you couldn't break the glass or try to get out.

You opened the door to see who you assumed to be your clinician. You were shocked to see it wasn't the same person you've had the other times you've been here.

"Hi Y/n, I'm Dr. Yuki. Nice to meet you." She said as she held out her hand.

You rejected and gave her a look full of confusion and anger.

"Where's Dr. Danny?" You asked annoyed as you looked away.

"Oh, he doesn't work in this department anymore, he's with the adults now." She said with a smile.

"Shall we get going?" She asked signaling you to follow. You grunted in response, following behind her.

"So, Y/n. Why do you think your here, again?" She asks - putting emphasis on the and - while you two walked to her office.

You glared at her and a tch sound. "Shouldn't we wait to talk until we are in your office?" You ask annoyed.

You could already tell you didn't like her. "I suppose." She replied.

You sat down on the couch she had in the corner of the office.

Your legs were slightly spread and your elbows were digging into your thighs as you rested your head in your hands.

"You should close your legs, that's not very lady like." She said with a fake smile spread across her face.

You rolled your eyes and didn't respond. You stayed still and looked away, not wanting to deal with being misgendered.

She cleared her throat before speaking again. "So, I'd assume you know why you are here again? How many times has it been now?" You glared at her before saying 3 under your breath.

"I tried to kill myself, again." You responded bluntly while rolling your eyes, once more. "And why did you do that?" She responded, another smile on her face.

This annoyed you quite a bit. You didn't know why she was smiling so much, especially right now, and you didn't like it at all.

"I didn't want to live." You said in an obvious tone.

You thought she would have known this and if she took one look at your file she would have.

"Ehe, you have bipolar 2, correct?" She asked looking you in the eyes. You snarled and looked away.

"You should know this. Have you even looked at my file?" You asked rudely, already fed up with her shit.

"I have dear, but I'm just making sure. So yes?" She asks once again.

You nodded your head and looked back up to her. 'Man, she smiles a lot." You thought to yourself.

"Okay, and you hurt yourself a lot as well?" She asked.

You were quite annoyed with all the questions and just wanted to go back to your room, but couldn't because of group therapy after.

"You also have an eating disorder, right?" This really pissed you off. Why was she asking so many questions that could be answered by skimming over your file?

"Take a look at my fucking file." You said angrily as you got up to walk out the door.

"I still need to give you your clothes and sort you correctly." She said, smiling again. You groaned and sat back down.

"You see, this is difficult. Because you also have panic disorder. You have panic disorder, an eating disorder, bipolar disorder, suicidal ideation and you also self harm. Now I know your suicidal-ness most likely comes from your bipolar - along with the self harm, but you also have anxiety and an eating disorder, so I don't know how to place you. I'm thinking about giving you black clothes for 'bipolar', or yellow for 'other'." She repeated. You swore if she said what you had one more time you would lose it.

"All the other times I've gotten black." You said, annoyed wanting nothing more than to leave.

This girl sounded completely unprofessional and you couldn't stand it. "Black it is." She said, giving yet again, another smile.

A/n: these are the color assortments.

Light blue- anxiety or panic disorder
Blue- eating disorder
Pink- self harm
Red- WARNING (they'd were this when they are in danger of themselves or others)
Black- bipolar disorder
Purple- suicidal ideation
Orange- major depressive disorder
Green- schizophrenia or psychosis
Yellow- other
Gray- new or undiagnosed

I know this is shit, it will get better.

- K xx

Edited - 3.26.21

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