Chapter 10.5 (Don't skip)

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This is a flashback chapter to when Y/n came out to Denki! I will make one for Hanta in the future.
You were 13 here.
D/n = dead name

Chapter 10.5

You were nervous to say the least. Today was the day you were coming out to Denki.

You didn't know how he was going to react since the subject had never been brought up amongst Denki, Hanta or your mother - or really anyone you knew personally.

A lot of people online seemed to be accepting of these things but when you heard people at school talk about it they had nothing nice to say.

Earlier this year (your first year of middle school) a rumor went around that a kid was gay and he got bullied for weeks because of it - until everyone forgot about the news.

Not only were you gay but also trans. You planned to tell Denki about both but you weren't sure if you should do it all at once.

Denki had spent the past week at your house and was leaving tonight. You wanted to tell him before he left so now was the time to do it.

You walked up to his door, took a deep breath and knocked.

You started to shake once you heard his footsteps and were tempted to just turn around or make up a lie as to why you were there.

When he opened to door he greeted you with the same smile he always had on his face.

"Hey, D/n! What's up?" He asked as he pulled you into his room. "Koharu just got me a new game. Do you want to check it out with me?"

"Sure, Denki." You laughed, scratching the back of your neck.

You were honestly happy he asked this. It gave you more time to stall. You still planned to tell him but you wanted him to stay happy - at least for a few more minutes - in case things went badly.

You really hopped this wouldn't ruin anything between the two of you.

He was your only friend, not counting Hanta,
and you didn't think he would ditch you or anything but you were scared of him not supporting you.

"It's called Mario Cart. Here, take this remote. We can play two player." He said, handing you one of his Wii remotes.

You played for about an hour and the game was fun. Some tracks were harder than others but some were easy.

Denki beat you on most of them but there was one that you won each time. It was called Rainbow Road.

You tried to focus better on the game, but you couldn't stop thinking about possible outcomes of you coming out.

As you kept thinking about it your eyes welled up with tears. You've only been this scared a couple other times before.

"Hey, I've got to get going. I'll see you tomorrow at scho~" He started, getting up from his bed but immediately sat back down. "What's wrong?"

You tried to avoid his gaze but he grabbed your chin and tilted your head up to look at him.

He looked concerned which didn't help you at all. You were afraid he would never feel that way with you again after you told him.

"I have to tell you something," You said trying to choke back a sob. "and I don't think you'll like it."

"Why's that?" He said, bringing you into a hug.

You rested your head in his chest, hoping this wouldn't be the last time you were with him like this.

"You know how some people were born in the wrong bodies? And how some guys like guys and not girls?" You asked, looking at his face to try and read him and see his reaction.

He nodded his with a soft smile on his face. "Yeah, I do."

You quickly got out of his bed and tried to make your way to his door but he grabbed your arm, pulling you back down. "I have to go~"

"No you don't. Finish what you were saying." He said, a serious tone lacing his voice.

"Denki, I'm trans." You said, tears streaming down your face. "But I still like boys. I'm trans and gay."

"You were worried to tell me?" He looked sad and almost offended. You nodded your head, avoiding eye contact with him.

"It's okay." He said, pulling you in for another hug. He ran his fingers through your hair and tried to comfort your crying.

"Can you call me Y/n?"

"You're my best friend, Y/n. I'll love you no matter who you are or who you like. It's okay." He smiled, looking down to you.

"And I think I like boys too. It's nothing to be ashamed of."

You looked up to him, meeting his gaze. You could see the sincerity in his eyes which greatly comforted you.

"Thank you."

I know this was short, sorry.

- K xx

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 22, 2021 ⏰

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