~Omega Part 2~

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Leila's POV:

The next day, I got up and got ready for school. Derek never came back last night after I got home from trying to find Lydia. I hope he's okay.

I took a morning shower then changed into my outfit and did my hair.

I looked in the mirror to check if Lydia would approve of my outfit

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I looked in the mirror to check if Lydia would approve of my outfit. Even though Lydia's not at school, I know she'll approve. Gosh, I miss her.

I grabbed my bag and went into the kitchen and grabbed a water and an apple. Scott came down the stairs and grabbed cereal. "Do you want a ride to school?" I asked.

"No, Stiles' picking me up. I'll see you there" he told me and I nodded. I left and got in my baby and drove to school. I parked in the parking lot then Stiles' Jeep parked next to me.

They got out and we walked to the school. "She ate the liver?" Scott and I asked. "No, I didn't say she ate it. I just said it was missing. And you know what? Even if she did, so what? It's the most nutritious part of the body" Stiles told us.

"Scott never ate a liver" I said and Scott nodded.

Stiles looked at us, "Yeah, right, 'cause when it comes to werewolves, Scott's a real model of self - control" Stiles said sarcastically.

"Actually, wait - hold on. You're the test case for this, so we should be going over what happened to you" Stiles told Scott.

"What do you mean?" Scott asked confused.

"I mean like what was going through your mind when you were turning, you know? What were you drawn to?" Stiles asked.

"Allison and Leila" Scott answered, making me smile at Scott which he returned. Sometimes Scott's a sweet little brother.

"Okay, nothing else? Seriously?" Stiles asked.

"Nothing else mattered. But, no, that's good, though, right? 'Cause the night that Lydia was bit, she was with you" Scott said.

"Yeah, but she was looking for - Jackson" Stiles sighed, as Jackson pulled up in his car. After that, we walked inside and people were whispering and looking at me.

"Scott, what're they saying?" I whispered. He looked up and noticed the whispering and the looks.

"They're talking about how Kate was the one who killed your family" he told me sadly, making me sigh, "They feel bad for you" he added.

"I still don't like people talking about me" I said before walking down the hall. I was about to turn the corner when I bumped into someone. I almost fell but the person caught me by the waist.

I looked up and saw Isaac. "I-I'm sorry. I wasn't looking where I was going" he told me. I gave him a smile and he let go of my waist.

"It's okay. I wasn't looking either" I told him. "Thanks for not letting me fall on my butt in front of everyone" I added, making him smile. "No problem" he said.

His Witch, Her Wolf - Book 2Where stories live. Discover now