~Party Guessed Part 1~

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Leila's POV

After Scott finally woke up from what happened at the rave, the three of us went back to Derek's hideout to talk. Derek and I were holding hands as Scott followed us into one of the subway carts.

"I'm saying we need a new plan, because next time, one of us is gonna be too hurt to heal" Derek told Scott.

Scott sighed, "Ugh, I get it. We can't save Jackson."

I sat down on one of the seats as Derek sat next to me, "We can't seem to kill him either. I've seen a lot of things, but I've never seen anything like this. Every new moon's just gonna make him stronger" Derek told us.

"But how do we stop him?" I asked them.

Derek shrugged and looked at me, "I don't know. I don't even know if we can."

"Maybe we should just let the Argents handle it" Scott suggested. Derek shook his head, "I'm the one who turned him. It's my fault."

I could hear the guilt in his voice so I grabbed his hand and gave it a squeeze as he looked at me, "But you didn't turn him into this" I told him, trying to comfort him.

"Yeah, I mean, this happened because of something in his past, right?" Scott asked.

"That's a legend in a book. It's not that simple" Derek told him.

"What do you mean? What are you not telling us?" Scott asked, referring to him and I.

Derek looked up at him, "Why do you think I'm always keeping something from you?"

"Because you always are keeping something from me" Scott answered.

"Well, maybe I do it to protect you and my mate" Derek told him as he gave my hand a squeeze.

"Doesn't being part of your pack mean no more secrets?" Scott asked.

Derek looked down, "Go home, Scott. Sleep. Heal. Make sure your friends are safe. 'Cause the full moon's coming. And with the way things are going, I've got a feeling it's gonna be a rough one" he told him.

Scott sighed but nodded then turned to me, "Are you coming?"

I shook my head, "I'm gonna stay the night here."He nodded then left after that.

"Come on. Let's go upstairs" Derek said, leading me up the stairs to his room. When we got in his room, I took my clothes off and put on one of Derek's shirts as he stripped out of his clothes and we climbed into bed.

"How'd it go with that guy you went to the rave with?" he asked me as I laid my head on his bare chest and he began to play with my hair.

I sighed, "Well, it started out somewhat okay in the beginning."

Derek looked down at me confused, "Somewhat?"

"When I picked him up, we were making small talk in the car and then he started getting a little flirty which made me uncomfortable" I told him and saw his jaw begin to clench.

"What happened when you were at the rave?" he asked angrily.

I sighed, "Well, I didn't really pay much attention to him because I had to help Isaac with Jackson. After that, Matt and I were dancing for a while when he put his arm around me and pulled me closer to him and then he kissed me, but I pushed him away."

Derek sat up and looked at me with anger in his eyes, "He kissed you?!" he exclaimed.

I sat up to and turned to him, "Yes, but I pushed him away and told him I had a boyfriend, but he thought I was just lying, because he's never seen me with anyone besides Scott and Stiles. After that, I just left and asked Allison to drive him home because I didn't want to see him."

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