~Ice Pick Part 2~

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Leila's POV:

I made it to my family home and got out. My phone kept going off, they were mostly calls and texts from Derek. Some from Scott and Stiles asking if I'm okay but I didn't answer. I need time to myself.

I went inside and put on leggings and Mateo's soccer sweatshirt. I went back out and walked by the river that's by our house. I walked on the rocks, trying to clear my head, but all I felt was hurt and pain.

I sighed and turned to the water, I raised my hand as I started doing tricks with the water. I smiled as I made the water move around me. My magic always made me happier.

"Impressive" I heard someone say. I dropped the water back into the river and continued to face the water. "What're you doing here?" I asked.

"You weren't answering my calls or texts. You smashed my sunglasses and called me an asshole" he said, approaching me.

"Well, usually when someone doesn't want to talk to a certain person, they do those types of things" I snapped.

"Why're you mad at me? What did I do?' he asked as he tried to touch me, but I pulled away and glared at him.

"You really wanna know?" I snapped and he nodded.

I moved closer to him and put my hands on his head and closed my eyes, "In Sertia."

I showed him everything I saw at the hospital. I made him feel what I felt. I showed him when I was in the car, in the woods, at school. I made him feel what I felt at school before I opened my eyes and took my hands off his head.

He opened his eyes and saw the tears fall down my face, "Leila, I'm-" I cut him off, "You seduced Erica into receiving the bite" I told him as more tears fell.

"Y-You t-touched her. The way you touch m-me" I added as my voice cracked and Derek looked heartbroken.

"Do you even love me?" I asked him.

He moved towards me, but I stepped back. "Of course, I love you" he told me.

"Then why'd you do that?" I asked him, "Why did you hurt me?"

"It didn't mean anything" he told me.

"But it still hurts!" I exclaimed as lightning struck and the ground shook from my anger. "How would you feel if I touched someone the way I touch you?" I asked and he didn't answer.

"Have fun with your were-slut and just leave me alone" I said defeatedly.

He shook his head and came towards me. He cupped my face, "Don't do this. Don't give up on us."

More tears fell from my eyes, "You gave up on us, the minute you did that with Erica" I told him. He had tears in his eyes, "It didn't mean anything. I swear."

I looked up at him, "Where'd you bite her?' I asked and he froze. "Where'd you bite her? On her shoulder? Her side? Her arm? Where?" I asked.

He hesitantly answered, "Her side."

I grabbed his hands and pulled them away from my face as I stepped back. He shook his head, "I had to bite her."

"Why there though? Why not her arm?" I asked him sadly.

He looked as heart broken as I did. "I'm sorry. I'm so sorry, baby" he told me, cupping my face again and put his forehead against mine.

"I never meant to hurt you. I'm so sorry, Leila" he told me.

I shook my head and pulled away so I could look at him, "Why should I believe you? Why should I give you another chance?" I asked.

"Because I love you. I love only you. Nobody else matters to me except you. I can't lose you because I will literally go out of my freaking mind. I need you, Leila" he told me as a tear fell down his face.

His Witch, Her Wolf - Book 2Where stories live. Discover now