~Fury Part 2~

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Leila's POV

When we made it to Mr. Stilinski's office, Matt let me go and Scott instantly pulled me behind him. Matt then made us get rid of all the evidence that links him to the murders.

Matt sat and watched us get rid of the evidence. Scott and I finished shredding the papers while Stiles deleted all the files and evidence on the computer.

"Deleted. And we're done. All right, so, Matt, since all the people you brutally murdered deserved it because they killed you first - whatever that means - I think we're good here, right? So I'll just get my dad, and we'll go, you know? You continue on the whole vengeance thing. Enjoy the kanima" Stiles told him.

Suddenly, we heard a car pull up and saw headlights through the window. It was Mom. "Sounds like your mom's here, McCalls" Matt told us.

I had tears in my eyes as I thought about my mom. I already lost one mom, I couldn't lose another. "Matt, p-please don't do this" I begged him as a tear fell.

"When she comes to the door, I'll just tell her to leave. I'll tell her we didn't find anything. Please, Matt" Scott told him as we heard the door to the station open, making me more scared.

"If you don't move... now, I'm gonna kill Stiles first, and then your mom" Matt told him.

After that, I moved closer to Scott as we walked past Matt, but Matt grabbed me again. "We're moving. You don't need to keep grabbing her" Scott told him.

"I'm using her as leverage, so you don't do anything stupid. Like I told Leila, as much as I love her, I will shoot her" Matt told him, making me cringe when he said he loves me.

"Now keep moving" he ordered them.

Scott hesitated and looked at me, I gave him a nod and a small smile, to try and reassure him that I was okay. Scott started walking towards the door, where our mom was waiting for us.

"Open it" Matt ordered Scott.

"Please" Scott begged him.

Matt pulled my head back by my hair, making me wince and he put the gun to my temple, "Open the door" Matt told Scott, who looked at me in concern and worry.

He slowly turned to the door and opened it, but it wasn't mom who was standing there. "Derek" I said in relief, seeing him standing there and that he was okay since I haven't heard from him in a while.

"Oh, thank God" Scott said, also relieved to see Derek.

Derek glanced at him then locked eyes with me before he fell to the ground paralyzed. Behind Derek, was a half-transformed Jackson.

Derek and I locked eyes again and saw how Matt was holding me with the gun pointed at my head, making him growl at Matt.

Matt let me go and Stiles put me between him and Scott as Matt went over by Derek. "This is the one controlling him? This kid?" Derek asked, raising an eyebrow at him. I could tell Derek was still angry at Matt for holding a gun to my head.

"Well, Derek, not everyone's lucky enough to be a big, bad werewolf" Matt told him before standing back up and turning to us.

"Oh, yeah, that's - that's right. I've learned a few things lately. Werewolves, hunters, witches, Kanimas. It's like a frickin' Halloween party every full moon. Except for you, Stiles. What do you turn into?" Matt added.

"Abominable snowman. But, uh, it's more of, like, a wintertime thing, you know, seasonal" Stiles told him sarcastically.

Suddenly, Jackson scratched the back of Stiles' neck. "Hey!" Scott and I exclaimed, but Jackson turned to us with his claws as a warning to not try anything.

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