~Shape-Shifted Part 2~

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Leila's POV:

It was already dark out when we finally made it to Isaac's house. I lifted my good palm up and waved my broken hand over it, "Post tenebras spero lucem" I whispered and a ball of light appeared in my hand.

"Nice" Scott told me, before turning to Derek, "If Isaac didn't kill his dad, then who did?"

"I don't know yet" Derek answered as I led them into the house. "Then how do you know he's telling the truth?" Scott asked.

"Because I trust my senses. And it's a combination of them. Not just your sense of smell" Derek said, referring to lacrosse practice and I laughed before Scott gave me a look and I stopped.

"You saw the lacrosse thing today" Scott said.

"Yeah" Derek answered.

"Did it look that bad?" Scott asked. "Yeah" Derek and I said. We looked at each other, but I turned away quickly and walked more into the house.

"I don't like this place" I told them softly.

"Why?" Derek asked.

"I have a bad feeling" I answered.

"What bad feeling?" Scott asked as I looked more through the house. "Bad things happened here" I said.

Derek went to a door and opened it then looked at Scott, "You wanna learn? Let's start now" Derek told him.

I walked down first and Scott followed. "What's down there?" Scott asked.

"Motive" Derek answered while I walked down the stairs and into the basement.

"And what am I looking for?" Scott asked. "Follow your senses" Derek told him. We looked around the basement, "What happened down here?" Scott asked.

"The kind of thing that leaves an impression" Derek said.

Scott noticed something and walked towards a cooler with a lock on it. "Open it" Derek said as he came next to me.

Scott unlocked the cooler and opened it. I moved the ball of light towards the cooler and gasped. There were claw marks everywhere. Isaac's dad put him in there.

I felt my eyes start to tear up and Derek hesitantly put his arm around me, and I let him. He moved closer to comfort me. How could a father do this to his own son?

Scott turned to Derek, "This is why he said yes to you." Derek nodded, "Everyone wants power."

"If we help you, then you have to stop. You can't just go around turning people into werewolves" Scott told him.

"I can if they're willing" Derek told him.

"Did you tell Isaac about the Argents? About being hunted?" Scott asked.

Derek nodded, "Yes, and he still asked."

"Then he's an idiot" Scott said.

"And you're the idiot dating Argent's daughter" Derek said and Scott froze.

"Yeah. I know your little secret. And if I know, how long do you think it's gonna take for them to find out? You saw what happens to an omega. With me, you learn how to use all of your senses. With me, you learn control. Even on a full moon" Derek told Scott.

"If I'm with you, I lose her" Scott told him.

"You're gonna lose her anyway. You know that" Derek told him before letting me go and walking away.

"Wait" Scott called and Derek turned around, "I'm not part of your pack. But I want him out. He's my responsibility too."

"Why? Because he's one of us?" Derek asked. "Because he's innocent" I told him before my phone vibrated.

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