~Battlefield Part 1~

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Leila's POV

After what happened at the police station, things have been different especially at home with my mom not talking to Scott or me.

It took about over two hours to explain everything to her about what really happened to my family and what I could do.

I also had to tell her about Derek and I being soulmates, which she was shocked about but took it better than Scott when he found out.

I tried to tell her about Scott, but I thought it would be better for them to talk it out together. After that, she just told me she needed time to take it all in.

As the days went on, she just stayed in her room when Scott and I were home. It hurt us a lot when she did that, but we both tried to be understanding about it.

I haven't seen Derek in awhile, but I knew he had things to deal with and he knew I had things to deal with too. We texted and called each other, but it wasn't the same and we both missed each other a lot.

Now, I was laying in bed, thinking about everything that's been happening. Suddenly, I heard hissing from Scott's room and I instantly knew it was Jackson.

I quickly ran into his room and saw Scott coming out of the bathroom as we both froze in horror at the sight of the Kanima choking mom with his tail as he held her in the air.

"As you can see, Scott, there's been some interesting developments lately. I think we should catch up" Gerard said from where he was sitting in Scott's room.

Gerard's focus went to me and smirked, "Ah, Leilani Santiago. We finally get to meet officially."

"Santiago-McCall" I corrected him as I glowed my eyes and Scott flicked out his claws. Gerard smirked at us, "Come on, Scott, Leila, let's be realistic about who's got the upper hand here."

"Let her go" Scott whispered angrily.

"Can't do that. But let her live? That's up to you two" he told us.

"What do you want?" I asked him. "I want to talk. You haven't been answering your phone" he answered and referred the second part to Scott.

"Let her go, and we can talk about whatever you want" Scott told him.

Gerard stood up from his seat, "I want the same thing that I have always wanted" he turned and made eye contact with me, "I want Derek and his pack."

Scott stepped in front of me, "You have them all in hiding."

Gerard kept his eyes on me and smirked, "Before Kate died, she did inform me of a very important thing. That Leilani and Derek are soulmates."

I felt my heart speed up as he took a step closer to me, "You know where he is. Tell me."

"He moved to a different hideout and didn't tell me. I don't know where he is and haven't seen him since the night at the sheriff's station" I somewhat lied. I knew where Derek was, but I'm not letting Gerard take him from me.

"I think with the proper motivation, you could draw them out. And if you two haven't noticed, I now have a fairly impressive means by which I can motivate people. Why do you think I'm able to control him? Oh, you both know the myth. The Kanima is a weapon of vengeance" Gerard told us.

"This is about Kate?" I asked angrily as I thought about the psychotic bitch who murdered mine and Derek's families.

"I didn't just come to bury my daughter. I came to avenge her" he told us and I had to bite my lip to stop myself from saying something about his crazy bitch of a daughter.

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