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Emma's P.O.V.

I've been nervous all week waiting for this "family reunion." Jared agreed to come to our house for dinner on Friday, today, and he even asked if Harry would join us. I never told Jared about Harry and me, really because the last time I talked to him was three years before I met Harry, so that was almost seven years ago. The only way he would know about the two of us is through the media, so who knows what rumors he's heard. Harry has been busying himself by cleaning, shopping, preparing, and cooking dinner. He's clearly nervous as well but won't tell me. He's only heard horror stories about my brother so I don't blame him, but I do feel confident that this will go over well. I don't know what to expect, but I know that I have Harry to back me up if needed.

"Hey, baby?" Harry shouts from the kitchen.


"Could you tell me a little more about Jared before he gets here? Just so I know what to expect you know. I know he's your brother, but I feel kind of weird having a stranger over for dinner..." This is Harry's way of telling me that he's anxious and protective of me.

"Well, you know that he's ten years older than me, and my dad had him with his first wife before he met my mom. We used to get along when I was a kid. He actually took me to the store to buy my first camera. He never got along with my mom because his mom told him all of these stories about how my mom was the whore that my dad had left her for, and that my mom was the reason for my dad's alcohol and drug abuse. As he got older my dad's influence on him got greater and he basically turned into a carbon copy of him. We stopped talking when he went to jail for the first time, but then when I moved to LA that's when I cut all ties with my dad's side."

"Baby, I'm so sorry you had to go through that. Every time you tell me something bad about your childhood a part of me dies inside. I want to go back in time and save you," Harry frowns and I reach my arms out to hug him.

"It's okay, I've moved on. Thank you for being here with me though. At this point I don't think he could hurt me any more than he already has, but I've still been really nervous," I tell him which causes his arms to rub up and down my back in a comforting manner.

"If I'm being honest, I've been a nervous wreck too," he lets out a breathy laugh, "I had no idea what to expect and I just want to protect my babies." The plurality of babies makes my heart flutter.

"And I love you so much for that," I pull back so I kiss his lips.

"Hmm," he kisses me back, "I love you too, Emma." Reluctantly, Harry pulls away to tend to the timer that's gone off to take something out of the oven.

"I'm going to start setting the table now. He should be here soon," I tell Harry, and soon enough about five minutes later the buzzer for the gate goes off. Harry allows the gate to open, and moments later the doorbell rings. Harry stands back and allows me to get the door. I don't know what I expected when I saw him, but when I pull the door open, I'm surprised at how well he's cleaned up.

"Emma," he starts.


"These are for you," he hands me a bouquet of pink peonies, my favorite flower. It makes me emotional to think that one, he remembered, and two he thought to bring me flowers.

"Thank you, come in. I'll get a vase for these," I move out of the doorframe and into the kitchen to grab a glass.

"Jared, it's nice to meet to. I'm Harry," Harry offers his hand and introduces himself to my brother.

"The pleasure's mine. You have a wonderful home, thank you for allowing me in. It really means a lot to me, Harry," Jared says. I walk back to the foyer to let them know that dinner is ready in the dining room.

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