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Emma's P.O.V August 4th

"Uh, Em?" Harry gets my attention, so I tilt my head up that's resting on his shoulder.


"Is that blood?" Harry points out a few red spots on the sheets around us.

"Oh," I sort of laugh it off. Apparently, it's not abnormal for you to bleed during sex while pregnant, so I'm not worried about it.

"It's not funny," Harry says with a serious look of concern.

"Babe, I'm fine, the doctor even said that this might happen."

"But I hurt you," he says quieter.

"No, you didn't hurt me, Harry," I place my hand on his cheek and try to ease his worries. "I told you that I would tell you if you did, but I promise it's okay. We can wash the sheets or get new ones, it's not the end of the world."

"That's a lot of blood," he says, still furrowing his brows, and I can't contain my laugh.

"Oh my god, you're such a baby. That is nothing compared to my periods, Harry."

"You're kidding," Harry looks dumbfounded.

"I'm serious, this is like a scrape on the knee compared to what people with uteruses experience every month," I explain, and Harry's face contorts, "Maybe in a couple of months I'll show you," I wink, completely joking, but Harry doesn't catch on.

"No, no way," he says bluntly.

"I'm joking. Despite what a lot of women say, I actually do think that periods are gross, so I would never want you to see that. I really hope I don't have to see the placenta when I give birth," I shudder at the thought.

"Can we talk about something more... I don't know, pleasant?"

"Sure," I laugh, "But I'm going to pee first," I say, pulling myself from Harry's grip.

Walking back to bed, I grab two pairs of Harry's boxers, one for him and one for me, as well as one of his t-shirts. I crawl under the covers and into Harry's side, and catch a glimpse of his phone screen in his hand.

"My mom is visiting?" I read the message. After being together for so long, we don't have any reasons to keep things from each other, so I don't feel bad for looking at his phone, but at the same time we obviously trust each other so there's no need to.

"Fuck, that was supposed to be a surprise," Harry face palms.

"Well then don't text my mom while in bed with me! When is she coming?"

"Friday," Harry says defeated, "She just wanted to confirm the time of her flight. I'm going to pick her up at noon. I know you really miss her, and she's been dying to be a part of your pregnancy in any way."

"Yeah, I do. I feel terrible that she's all alone upstate. I've told her to move down here but she doesn't want to leave her hometown."

"Well, we have the room so I told her she can stay as long as she wants," Harry says.

"Thank you for doing this," I smile and kiss his neck.

"Of course. It would have been better as a surprise if someone wasn't so nosyyyy," Harry drags out.

"Sorry," I laugh.

"It's okay, baby. Goodnight."

"Goodnight, love," I mock his accent.

"Oh, shut up."

*** August 6th

Today is the day my mom gets here for the weekend, and I couldn't be more excited. My mom and I are really close. Well, we kind of had to be when I was growing up because of the situation with my dad. She's always stood up for me, even when it put her in danger, and I can never thank her enough for it. I hope I can be as strong of a mother as she is, although I know I won't have to go through the things she did with my dad with Harry.

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