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Harry's P.O.V.  August 23rd

"I can't wait until we can listen to The Beatles together to annoy your mum. You'll learn all of my favorites, and then we'll move onto The Wings..."

"You're already a terrible influence on Charlie and they're not even born yet," Em scolds me as I lay next to her with my head resting by her bump.

"Excuse you, but all of our children are going to be Paul McCartney fans. Sorry, but you don't get a say," I tell her.

"It's not that I don't like The Beatles, they're just the only band my mom ever played growing up. And the bad influence is you encouraging Charlie and yourself to gang up on me!"

"Okay, I'm sorry," I tell Em before going back to my conversation with Charlie.

"I guess we shouldn't annoy your mum on purpose. That would be very bad, and I would have to punish you, which I think I would be very bad at. I hope you're a really easy baby, but I'll love you even if you cry all the time and make messes."

"Now you're just rambling," Em says, looking down to me.

"Can I not talk to my child?" I know she's just messing with me, but she has been more irritable lately. I went grocery shopping the other day and got the wrong flavor of frozen yogurt, which apparently meant to my wife that I don't pay attention to anything she says.

I keep asking my dad when this part will pass, but he's been anything but helpful. He says that once Mum was pregnant with Gemma that she never stopped being irritable. I think that's just him exaggerating and trying to be funny. Him and my mum actually do get along.

"Are you listening to anything I'm saying?" Em pokes my cheek.

"Sorry, I spaced out babe."

"Ugh, I was saying that we need to get the two guest rooms ready for Jared and the boys. They're coming tomorrow and won't be able to move into their house until Monday."

"I remember. Do you want me to do that now?" I ask, turning over to prop myself up on my elbows.

"That would be lovely," Em softens and runs her hands through my matted hair from laying down too long. "Also, now that the boys will be spending a lot more time here, I think we should get them some things to keep here. We can turn the second guest room into their own room."

"They would love that," I smile at the thought of spending more time with Jamie and Mason. Playing with them just makes me even more excited for Charlie to come and then make more babies with Em.

"Okay, get up. I have to pee," Em pushes me off of her, so I take this time to find the extra blankets for the boys' room and make it a little more kid friendly. Not that the room is inappropriate, there's just some breakable decorations that Em insisted on us purchasing when we got the house two years ago.

After making sure the rooms are ready, I open my phone to search for twin beds, maybe even bunkbeds, for the guest room. I've learned that I have kind of a problem with purchasing too much for other people, but it was Em's idea to give the room to Jamie and Mason. I'm sure they won't want to share a bed for too much longer, even though Jamie always ends up in our bed when he stays the night.


I hear Em yell from somewhere downstairs, so I rush to her, immediately thinking the worst.

"What's wrong?" I pant.

"You left your underwear from earlier on the kitchen floor," Em sighs, not finding it as funny as I do. Even while pregnant, we still have the sex drives of teenage boys.

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