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Harry's P.O.V. October 2nd

"Jeff, what do I do?" I hold the phone in one hand while my other holds my head up.

"I don't know, man. I warned you not to pay attention to these, but you said it was better to know what they're saying about Emma and Charlie, so you know what to expect when people address the rumors."

"I really fucked up, didn't I? God, I feel so bad for her. They didn't say a single bad thing about me in that article, but Charlie is equally my responsibility! She doesn't deserve this. She never has."

"Do you want me to try and get some good press out for you? I mean, how do you want to go about this?

"I want to talk it over with Em first, but I honestly don't know. She went to the bathroom, but I don't think she actually needed to use the toilet, she's probably hiding."

Sure enough, as soon as I tell Jeff where my wife went, I hear the shower start to run. Em likes to take really long showers to "escape reality" but I know it's really just her way of putting off conversations.

"Jeff, I'm going to call you back," Worried about Em, I decide to end the call with Jeff and join her in the shower.

When I know Em's been in the shower for a few minutes, I open the bathroom door and strip to get in with her. She's not playing music, so I know I won't startle her when opening the frosted door.

"Hi baby," I step in and begin massaging her shoulders as she stands with the water hitting her chest.

"You don't have to say anything now, but know that Jeff and I will fix this, and everything will be alright, okay? I worry about you," I press a kiss to her wet hair, and she closes her eyes.

"I love you," she whispers. Her voice quivers a little, letting me know that she's holding back tears, and it breaks my heart.

I rub her shoulders once more before wrapping my arms around her torso to hold her belly where my other baby is. I nuzzle my head into her neck, but make sure not to put too much pressure and whisper, "I love you," back.

We stand in this position for a while until she decides it's time to actually wash. I start by washing her hair, taking my time to scrub her scalp just how I know she likes it. When she sighs in relief, I feel a tiny bit better because at least I know some of her tension has been released. Even though the situation is nothing to be thankful for, I enjoy moments like these where we don't have to speak but we're still together being intimate.

We spend a total of about half an hour in the shower, most of that time Em is standing under the pressure of the water while I hold her. I finally break and ask if we can get out once the parts of me that aren't attached to her skin start to shiver. She agrees and I get out first to so that I can bring her a towel and dressing robe.

While she dries her hair, I search through our closet for two sweatshirts and pairs of pajama pants for us.

Silently, we change and climb into bed. She lays with her back to me, so I take this as an opportunity to spoon her, holding both her and Charlie while doing so.

While Em seems to fall asleep fairly quickly, I on the other hand can't seem to find rest at all. Perhaps against my better judgement, I decide that I can't just let this article sit and start rumors. So, at 3:30 am, I send out a Tweet that reads:

Apart from our baby, Emma is the best thing that has ever happened to me. She is the sweetest, most loving and caring person I've ever met. (1/2)

She is an incredible partner and already the most amazing mum I could wish for my children. It pains me that not everyone sees her the way I do, but I appreciate the love and support that we do receive. – tpwk, H. (2/2)

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