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Emma's P.O.V. December 30th

"Mom broke up with George last night," I enter Harry's office/music room after putting Charlie down for a nap. Harry's been spending more time in here recently, and I can only assume he's been writing, but he won't tell me until he has something he really likes.

"What did he say?" He closes his journal and turns to me in his desk chair. Once I'm in reach Harry pulls me to sit on his lap.

"She told him that she wants to spend more time with us, so she doesn't have the time or reason for a relationship. He said, 'I understand and respect your need to be with your family. I apologize for any distraction I may have caused, and please send Emma and Harry my best,'" I mock George's response and Harry scoffs, just like I did when my mom told me what happened.

"Well, good for her," Harry sighs and rubs my back.

"On a happier note," I smile, "I finally convinced my mom to move to LA." Harry's expression quickly changes.

"Really? Babe, that's great!" Harry smiles back at me.

"Mhm," gently grabbing Harry's jaw I tilt his head up to meet my lips. It doesn't take him long to try and deepen the kiss. Harry's hands begin to wonder but stop when his phone starts ringing.

"Ugh," he uses his good hand to silence the call.

"You could have taken the call," I tell him, and he shakes his head no.

"It wasn't a call, it was a reminder that we have that conference call with our lawyers in fifteen minutes," he says as he lifts my left leg over his lap so I'm fully facing him now.

"Oh yeah, I forgot about that."

"But now we only have fourteen minutes, so shut up and kiss me," He silences my laugh with his lips, and I can already tell where this is headed.


Harry's P.O.V.

"What's got you in a bad mood?" I hear Annie approach me in the kitchen. I close the fridge door a little harder than I thought, slamming it shut.

"Sorry, didn't mean to push it that hard," I run my hand through my hair out of frustration. Em and I got off the phone with our lawyers a few minutes ago and neither of us could have predicted the outcome.

"It's fine. What's new with the lawsuit?"

"Nothing good," I sigh and take a seat at the bar next to Annie, "It was already going to be hassle dealing with two restraining orders in different countries and then we're also suing him in general for invasion of privacy and whatnot."

"Emma mentioned that,"

"Yeah, well apparently George is trying to avoid taking anything to court-"

"Can he do that?"

"I don't know, it's complicated. Basically, he's arguing that court fees and however much we sue him for is going to do him a lot of financial harm. He thinks that saying he's sorry will fix everything and that way he can just get away with everything," I tell her.

"What the hell?"

"That's what I said. This meeting was supposed to end with us sending the papers to the courts and finally getting this thing started, but it ended up with us just discussing George's proposition and how to work around it and shit."

"What does Emma think?" Annie asked the question I was hoping to avoid.

"You know how she is," I pause.

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