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Emma's P.O.V. October 8th

"Harry, this is not working," I tell him, out of breath and uncomfortable.

He lets out a deep sigh, "I'm sorry."

"Don't be sorry, it's not your fault," I try to make him feel better. I know he's been beating himself up over this for a bit now.

"I don't what else to try," he lowers his voice and presses his forehead to mine.

"It's okay," I run my fingers through his slightly damp hair.

"No, it's not okay. You've only just started your third trimester; I can't wait that long," he pauses, "I mean, I can. I'd just rather not."

"I know, baby. We can do other things," I suggest.

"It's not the same. I want to feel close to you," he pouts.

"We'll try again tomorrow. Right now, I'm tired and I just want to cuddle," Harry and I adjust so that he's spooning me, and I feel his breath slow against the hair on my neck.

October 24th

"Have you thought about attending pregnancy classes?" Annie asks as we speak over the phone.

"They have classes to teach you how to have sex while pregnant?" I ask her, dumbfounded.

"They have classes for everything. I think it's called "how to be intimate" or something, but that's basically what it is. Didn't you mention that you'd be going to a birthing class soon? I'm sure you can sign up then."

"I don't know, Annie. That seems a little out of Harry and I's comfort zone," I say, cringing at the thought of even bringing it up to him.

"Hey, you're the one who asked for advice on how to deal with your self-conscious and sex-deprived husband. I'm just trying to help," she reminds me.

"Fine. I guess it won't hurt to at least tell him about it."

"Progress!" Annie exclaims from her side of the line, "Where is Mr. Superman anyway?"

"He's downstairs helping Anne make dinner. I've been trying to catch up on work but really I was on my phone researching sex positions," I laugh at my pathetic self.

"It's nothing to be ashamed of. I'm sure most couples experience the same thing." Annie does have a point; Harry and I can't be the only sexually frustrated pregnant couple.

"How do you always know what to say to make me feel better?" I ask my best friend.

"I'm just that awesome, I guess," she says back in the cockiest tone.

"Yeah, whatever. I'm actually going to go now. Dinner should be ready soon and Charlie and I are starving," I catch myself using my baby voice—something I've been doing more lately.

"Alright, Mom. Go have a nice dinner, and then promise me you'll talk to Harry tonight," she says.

"I promise. Love you, bye."

"Love you too, Emma. Talk to you later."

I hang up the phone with Annie and close my laptop that's been sitting out on my desk, untouched for the better half of the day.

Making my way down the stairs and to the kitchen, I overhear Harry saying something to Anne about selling something. Not meaning to eavesdrop on purpose, I stand outside the kitchen where I'm out of sight and continue to listen.

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