Forty Five

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Emma's P.O.V. After the Party (August 7th)

I hear the thud of a car door slamming shut first and then a warm presence as his hands collect my hair into a makeshift pony.

Sometimes I forget that I'm not 22 and I can't handle my alcohol like I used to.

"I'm sorry," Harry says, one hand holding my hair back and another rubbing circles on my back. I'm hunched over the side of the road, emptying the contents of my stomach onto the pavement. It's quite the sight to see.

"It's my fault," I manage to croak in between hurls.

In a hurry to get home and go to bed, I don't take much time pulling myself together once I feel it's safe enough for me to stand up. Harry helps me into the car, and I go back to my previous position leaning on the window with my knees tucked into my chest.

Annie somehow manages to sleep through the entire thing, and I smile when I see that Harry checks on her before getting in the driver's seat and taking us home. We don't end up driving Annie back to her place, but I'm okay with it because it means getting home sooner.

"Who is that?" I ask, my voice groggy from falling in and out of sleep.

"Security, remember? Your mum called because that man was creeping her out, so I called them to stay until we got here," Harry explains while resting one hand on my back that's turned to him. The reflection in my window allows me to see Harry wave to the security man in his black car before entering the gate code and pulling into the garage.

"Do you want me to help you inside first or can I wake Annie?" Harry whispers, unbuckling both of our seatbelts.

"Get her first," I close my eyes and make myself more comfortable while I wait for Harry to return.

"Em, baby, wake up," someone's behind me, brushing my hair back from my face. I don't want to open my eyes but then I feel lips press against my bare shoulder.

"Hm?" I groan.

"Sit up for me, please. I need to open your door," Harry speaks gently.

Reluctantly, I roll over and support myself using the back of the seat like how you're supposed to sit in a car, but like the Superman he is, Harry comes to rescue me before I lose balance and fall over.

He carries me up the stairs and I try to tell him to stop by Charlie's room so I can say goodnight, but I don't think he hears me.


August 8th Charlie, 8 months

"Muuuuummy, it's time to wake up!" tiny fingers poke and pull at my face.

"What time is it?" I move Charlie's hands away from my cheeks as I rub my eyes and then finally open them, seeing a baby sat right next to my head.

"A little after 10:30," Harry says and I see now that he's lying on his side, keeping a hand on Charlie so she stays between us. Both are fully dressed and I'm not, but I don't exactly remember how I got undressed.

"Do you have a headache?" Harry asks and begins to hand me a glass of water from his nightstand.

"No, but I'll take the water. Thank you," My throat is really dry. It's even painful to swallow plain water.

"Our mums made breakfast. There's coffee, pancakes..."

"Harry? Did you say that guy was back?" I cut him off, my mind preoccupied that I completely forgot he's in the middle of telling me what we have for breakfast.

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