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  • Dedicated to to all my lovely, amazing and supportive readers :)



Five long dreadful years had passed. Aisha had learnt to cope with the death of her best friend and instead of being sad and depressed, she had placed most of her time in her school and islamic studies. By the time she was in her last year of high school, she had gained a scholarship for university and was willing to continue her post-secondary education studying to become a teacher. Aisha was now in her second year in university and enjoying her teaching program. She had always had respect for her teachers, well respectively most of her teachers and she wanted to be like them and share her knowledge to the future generation. The death of her best friend had taught her that health is a blessing and that being anorexic wasn't right.

Her friend Maryam was also accepted to the same university as her, studying nursing. Aisha's brother, Suleiman had finally pulled his courage together and proposed to her in the summer they graduated high school. Thus, Maryam and Suleiman had been happily married for a year now. Suleiman had graduated as an architect and was now working at an architectural firm, satisfied with his job. As for Hillary she had moved to Michigan during grade 11.

For those wondering about Aisha and Abraham, well Abraham had proposed to Aisha a couple of months ago and were officially engaged. They will have their wedding after the semester ends in the summer. You're probably asking why is Aisha marrying a non muslim? Well she's not. Abraham had become close friends to Abdullah over the years and some other muslims on the basketball team during high school. It turns out there were much more muslims in school than Aisha thought there were. When his family had heard about his conversion, his father got very abusive and violent so much so that he had to leave home.His father was always abusive and time to time would hit his mom. But when he heard about Abraham, he lost it and started abusing him. So for the rest of grade 12, he was living on his own in an apartment he rented and was working part-time. Thankfully his mom didn't think much about his conversion and was also helping him financially. Aisha's dad and brother,Suleiman had tried to help him as well when they found out, but Abraham had politely rejected their help. He only wanted help from Suleiman to teach him how to read and recite the Qur'an which Suleiman gladly agreed. He had changed his name to Ibrahim which was the arabic version of Abraham. When Suleiman told him the life and story of Ibrahim (as) he was ecstatic. He had told Suleiman that insha'Allah he will live his life as a good servant like Ibrahim (as) did. Two years as a muslim, Ibrahim had successfully learnt how to pray and was praying all 5 of prayers daily, fasted during Ramadan, had learnt how to recite the Qur'an and memorised 10 surats; three of them being surat Yaseen, surat Mulk and surat Ar-Rahman.

He like any other man was very nervous when the day came to propose to Aisha. But Abraham knew he wanted to live his life being the husband of Aisha. In his eyes he saw her as a respectful, patient and humble individual; not to mention how he adored her beautiful brown eyes and shy personality. He regretted all the times when they were younger when he would bully her or talk about her body in an inappropriate way. But thankfully she had accepted his apology and now was soon to be her husband.

And that ladies and gentlemen is the story of how a young American muslimah managed to positively influence those around her during her high school years. Unlike most girls who enter high school, she didn't fall into the popularity contest or do what typical teenagers do. Rather she held firm onto her islamic beliefs and principles and managed to bring back her best friend, Laila to the right path, make her friend Maryam a better muslim and encourage her to start wearing the hijab and be a good role model to society all by the will of Allah. You dont have to be a public figure to be a role model. All you have to do is be yourself and when you've truly found your true identity, embrace it and learn how to become the better you and make pleasing Allah your priority.


The End.

Note: All the characters in this book were fictional. I hope you guys enjoyed it and thank you all for reading.

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