Chapter 3

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Assalamualeykum guys. I just wanted to say thank you for reading my book. To be honest I'm not quite sure where I'm going with this lol so only time will tell :)

I dedicated this story to @KittyCrackers as she is an amazing writer and I am obsessed with her book " A Muslim's Romantic Journey"

Anyways I definately did not just write this story for Muslims. So as for my non-Muslim readers here is a glossary.


Assalamualeykum= Peace be upon you

Wa alaikussalam= And may peace be upon you too


Ma sha Allah= God  has willed it

Jazakallah khair= Allah will reward you good


The rest of the morning went pretty well. In math Ms. Hawkin explained how to solve equations and after the lesson we had some time to solve some equations on our own. Throughout the entire class I completely ignored the fact that Abraham was in my class and that helped. It turns out that after math I have English and in the afternoon I have art and geography. I was happy to know that I have English in the same semester as I have math as English is one of my strengths and that will help me boost my average up since I'm pretty sure math will bring my marks down.

Mr. Gibson was my English teacher. He was quite aged but that only means that he is well experienced, which I like. He went over how to write a proper essay and went over the course outline. Before I knew it, it was lunchtime. Thank God for that as I was starving. I think my stomach even growled in class and a girl next to me gave me a weird look. Whoops. So I went to my locker to place my math textbook in it and headed to the cafeteria. I texted Laila.

"Where r u? I'm in the caf."

After a couple of minutes of sitting alone awkwardly and no response from Laila I decided to go to the washroom. The stalls were all unoccupied meaning I was the only one in here. I took advantage of this and quickly hurled out my lunch. 300 calories flushed away just like that.

Suddenly two girls walked in. I couldn't make out who they were as i can only see their shoes. They were standing in front of the mirror so my guess was they were putting on makeup and fixing their hair.

"Oh my God Laila. You're sooo pretty." Said one of the girls.

Laila? As in my Laila???

"Aww thanks. You're pretty too Anna. By the way I saw a guy checking you out in the hallway. He was pretty hot too. Maybe he might ask you out!"

It was Laila! I guess she made a new friend.

"What!? That's so weird. I saw a guy staring at you too." replied the girl whose name is apparently Anna.

"Haha its settled then. We're hot. I cant wait till I get a boyfriend."

"Same! We're going to be best of friends." says Anna.

"You bet." Laughed Laila.

That broke my heart. Laila had found a new bestie....

"Do any of your friends go here?" asked Anna.

"Only one. Her name's Aisha and honestly she's such a loser. I use to hang out with her to be nice and all but she is so weird. Her fashion is even weirder.  She's dresses like a nun. I mean honey this is high school. If you wanna dress like that then go back home, but this is America." said Laila.

I couldn't believe my ears. I started to tremble and tears were rolling out of my eyes. I tried my best not to weep or make a noise.

"And she's such a loner. She has zero friends. I guess you can understand why...."

With that Laila and her new bestie, Anna broke into a fit of giggles.I waited for them to leave. That's when I lost it. I got out of the stall and cried my eyes out. Laila. My best friend since practically ever was trash talking me. The girl who i trusted and loved with all my heart had betrayed and ditched me. I don't know how long I sat on the floor crying but I knew i had to stop when my head started to hurt. I got up, washed my face and fixed my hijab. I'm American and this is my country. I have the right to dress as i please and no one has the right to tell me how to dress. I sobbed a couple of times until i decided to go to the library where it was quiet and no one can bug me. I sat behind one of the book shelves and picked up some random book, feeling all glum. O Allah. Please help me.

Allah. The All-Hearing and All-knowing. Truly only He can help me. My phone buzzed signalling me that it was Dhuhr time. What perfect timing. I stood up facing the qiblah and prayed with all my heart. Since there were barely any Muslims in the school, the school didn't have a prayer room so I had to pray in library. The bell then rang and I made my way to art. After what happened in the washroom I couldn't focus in class. So the rest of the day went by in a blur.

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