Chapter 8

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I am soooo sorry for the late update. I was busy with school and my laptop got a virus :( Anyhoo i hope u like this chapter and plz vote and comment. I love reading all ur lovely comments XD


I woke up to the sound of an annoying truck who kept on beeping and people talking loudly.

"Bring the couch in a bit more to your left." A man with a deep voice said.

"It's impossible to get it through the doorway if you angling it like that!" Another man boomed.

I got up to go see what all the fuss was about. I slightly drew open the curtains and I was immediately blinded by the bright morning sunlight. I forgot I had just woken up and that my eyes had not adjusted yet, not forgetting that my eyes were still puffy because of all the crying from last night. I blinked a couple of times until I went back to my window. There was a U-Haul truck parked in Mr. and Mrs. Jones driveway. They had moved away about a year ago and since then no one had moved in. That is until now. A couple of men were coming in and out of the truck carrying furniture and moving it into the house. I wonder who our new neighbors were. Would they have any kids? Would they be my age? If they were maybe we could be friends?

I lugged myself off the bed and got ready for school. Today was colder than usual so I wore a woolen maroon sweater over my black abaya and I decided to match it up with a black hijab. Due to my monthly friend I was feeling lower than usual. i also tend to get hungrier than normal. My stomach grumbled in response so I made my way to the kitchen. I made myself an omelet and took an iron pill with my orange juice. I was almost down drinking my juice when Suleiman entered the kitchen.

"Assalamualeykum sis." He said cheerfully and gave me a kiss on my cheek.

"Eww, stop doing that and why are you so jolly?" I asked him.

He chuckled and replied, "Why can't I be happy?"

"Okay... did you see? We're getting new neighbors! Do you know who they are?"

"Oh yes, I saw but I don't know who they are."

I frowned. "Well whoever they are I hope they're as nice as Mr. and Mrs. Jones

"Agreed." Said Suleiman.

After quickly eating breakfast, I grabbed my bag and stepped out. The moving boys were still emptying out the truck. They were having a bit of a hard time carrying this one furniture which looked like an antique clock. Whoever this person or family is I guess they like antiques.

Math class was same as always. I noticed Abraham never sat with his group anymore. He, Connor and Daniel sat opposite sides from them. I guess they were no longer buddies. When the bell rang I walked cheerfully to English. English was what made my mornings better. Mr. Gibson had made it a routine to start the class off with a class discussion. Every day he would pick an interesting topic to speak about and then someone would start by stating his opinion and that would be followed by another student's opinion and so on until the entire class was indulged into a class debate/discussion. Mr. Gibson cleared his throat as he started the class.

"Good morning ladies and germs. As usual please form a circle with your desks and today's topic is 9/11 as today is the day our country tasted terrorism. Let's talk about how did that day change your life and how do you feel about it."

Oh my God! Today was 9/11? I had completely forgotten. Great. I wonder how this is going to go. A girl named Angelina spoke first.

"Well I was quite young when it happened, I was 8 to be precise and all I remember was my parents sitting in front of the television and my mom crying. After that I became quite paranoid wondering if we will get attacked again."

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