Chapter 11

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We all sat there staring at the clock watching as the second hand goes by. The classroom was drop dead silent that you could hear every footstep that walked by in the hallway, the birds chirping, and the sound of papers being ruffled as Mr.Montgomery is packing some of our work to take home. Can you guess what day is it today? Yup,that's right; its the last class before we're off for the winter break. Finally the minute hand reaches the last minute and we all start counting down.


After a minute the bell finally rings and I can feel all the stress and burden being removed off my shoulders. Leo a guy in the class shoots up from his seat and yells,"FREEDOM!"

Me and Maryam just laugh out of joy and we run out of the classroom just like all our other classmates.

When I arrive home I'm welcomed by the sweet scent of carrot cake. Hmm I move carrot cake. Haniah is in the kitchen helping mom ice the cake.

"Assalamualaikum." I welcome them.

"Waalaikumussalam" they reply back in unison.

"You look happy." My mom observed.

"Of Course mommy! School's over." I exclaimed.

"Like only for a couple of weeks." Haniah noted.

I stuck my tongue out at her. Just then Suleiman and Abdullah walked in. They had sweat beads plastered all over their foreheads. I guess they just came back from the gym (somewhere I haven't been in a while).

"Assalamualeykum" they both said and we responded their salam.

"So where were you two?" Haniah asked.

"At the gym duh" Abdullah replied pointing to his gym bag.

"So Aisha what are you planning on doing for the winter break? Sit at home and stuff your face up with food?" Suleiman teased.

Everyone laughed at Suleiman's comment. What they didnt know was that was actually my plan. What!? I love food.


On Saturday Suleiman decided that we should start the break with a night out. So Haniah, Abdullah, Suleiman and I were headed off to the ice rink. I mean what better way to enjoy winter than go skating!

We decided to go after Isha as the day was short now and Isha was early. As Suleiman was driving us to the rink, we (more precisely Haniah and Abdullah) were watching the serene as we drove by.

"The place is so beautiful during this time of year. The trees and houses are all ornamented with lights and decorations and everyone is so happy and excited. How come we don't have something like that in Islam?" Haniah asked.

"Haniah it is true that the decorated trees and ornaments are beautiful; but beauty does not only exist in its outer appearance. We fast for an entire month in Ramadan solely to attain our Lord's approval, forgiveness and mercy. Is that not beautiful? And how about on Eid-ul Adha? It is the day in which we commemorate the sacrifice Abraham was willing to do just for Allah, despite Ishmael being his first son after a long wait. There's a reason why Abraham is the best friend of Allah. So likewise we have to spend our wealth in buying an animal so we can feast from it and share it with family and the needy. That's beautiful is it not? Yes we only have 2 holidays in Islam: Eid ul Fitr and Eid ul Adha but they are beautiful in significance and we should be blessed that we get to celebrate on these 2 special days", I told her.

"Wow I have never thought of it like that! Jazakallah Aisha." Haniah chirped.

From the rear mirror I can see Abdullah smiling at me. The rest of the car ride consisted of Suleiman taking role of a tour guide and reminding them of all the good times we use to have together.

When we arrived at the Rockefeller Center's skating rink, we rented a pair of skates and headed to the ice. Haniah and I linked arms as we glided around the rink. I was having such a great time until a nincompoop decided to stop abruptly in front of me causing me to collide right into him. I ended up falling on my behind.

"Ow" I complained.

"Oh my God, Aisha. Are you alright?" Haniah asked in concern.

"Yeah I'm fine." I say while getting up. Suleiman comes to see what's going on.

"I'm so sorry miss. I didnt see you there." The man says.

"Yeah just dont let it happen again." Says Suleiman and the man skates away.

I decide to take a break given the fact that my bum is a bit sore and head over to the benches. I'm in the middle of taking off my skates when I feel someone tapping my shoulder.

"Aisha is that you?" Asks a familiar looking brunette.

"Jennifer,oh my God. How are you?" I ask her.

She smiles and replies, "Great. So you like skating huh?"

'Who doesn't" I reply and she just laughs.

"Are you here with your friends" I ask her.

"Nope I'm with my brother." She says pointing to Abraham who was coming our way.

"Hey Aisha. What are you doing here?" Abraham asked.

"Skating..." I replied.

He just chuckled. I guess Suleiman noticed that I was talking to some guy which is why he rushed to where we were sitting.

"Aisha is everything alright? You took an awfully long break." Suleiman said to me. His expression hardened when he saw Abraham. As my older brother he knew my history with Abraham. Abraham looked guilty and upset at the same time.

"Look I am really sorry for who I was before. I'm sorry Aisha, really I am. I'm different now an-". Abraham was cut off by a snickering Suleiman.

"How wonderful, its too bad that you didn't think of that before." Suleiman spat.

"Suleiman..." I said giving him a warning look. I knew Suleiman didnt mean any harm but because he was overprotective of me, he wasnt giving Abraham a chance. Besides our religion teaches us to give people a chance and not to keep looking at them as who they were but rather who they are.

By the time our little awkward conversation ended, Haniah and Abdullah had joined us.

"Hey guys, what's up?" Haniah said joining into our convo.

"Jennifer, Abraham these are our friends Haniah and Abdullah who just moved here. Abdullah will be joining us after the break, Abraham."

"Hey." Said Abdullah.

I dont know why but Abraham did not look too happy with the news.

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