Chapter 4

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Assalamualeykum guys. I hope you guys are all doing well inshallah. This is chapter 4 so i hope u guys like it and if u do plz vote :) I dedicated this chapter to @UmmTaneem786 as she is my #1 reader and an amzing sister :)


Tahajjud= is the night prayer and is a voluntary prayer. It is prayed anywhere from after Isha till beore Fajr in sets of 2 rakkat.

Abaya= is a full-length, full sleeve outer garment

Thikr= remembrance of Allah

Subhannallah= Glory to Allah

Astaghfirullah= I seek forgiveness from Allah

Fajr= morning prayer prayed before sunrise


That night i went to bed cying. After i had prayed my Isha prayer I wasn't in the mood for eating so i just went to bed. My mother came in to check up on me but after a couple of minutes of asking me whats wrong and no response from me she left. I wanted to be alone. Just as i was about to drift away i heard a knock on the door and in walked in my older brother, Sulaiman.

"Aisha what's wrong. Don't even lie to me as i know you too well." He said with a stern voice.

I sighed. There was no way he was going to leave me alone until and unless i told him the truth.

"Laila was trash talking me today. And she made a new best friend...."

"Astaghfirullah. Laila!? I can't beleieve it. You two have been so close for years now. I'm so sorry Aisha." He came to hug me then. "Surely this is a test from Allah swt. You think jannah is cheap that we will get it without any difficulty? No we have to work hard for it just like we work hard in this life for a car, house ,etc. Turn to Allah swt and He will help you. Just be patient my lovely Aisha."

Sulaiman then started to recite a few of his favourite verses:

Or do you think that you will enter Paradise while Allah has not yet made evident those of you who fight in His cause and made evident those who are patience? (Qur'an:3:142).

If Allah helps you, none can overcome you; and if He forsakes you, who is there after Him that can help you? And in Allah (Alone) let believers put their trust. (Qur'an:3:160).

Subhanallah. Sulaiman was so wise and humble. I knew my life would change now as i started to take Islam more seriously. I had made my mind up. From now on I don't care what others say or think of me. I am an independent Muslimah and I have to be strong and patient as I want to live my life in obedience to Allah, My Lord.

"Jazakallah khair Sulaiman. You're the best brother I ever had!"

"I'm the only brother you ever had!" He laughed. With that he left me alone to so I can get some shut eye.


I woke up before Fajr prayer today as I wanted to pray Tahajjud. I read the waking up supplication and went to the bathroom to wash up. I then prayed for forgiveness and help.

After I was done I remained sitting on my prayer mat and read my Qur'an. Only Allah can help me so I better please Him. After some time it was finally Fajr so I prayed and did my morning adhkars before talking a short nap before getting ready for school.

I chose to wear a black abaya with brown embroidery today with a brown hijab. Mom had already packed my lunch so all I had to do was eat my breakfast and leave for school. I know, I know, I'm a bit spoiled but I can understand why. I'm the only girl in the family plus I'm the youngest. I dont have any other siblings other than Sulaiman. Sulaiman is the eldest and he's 20. He is studying architecture and is hafiz.

The walk to school was surprisingly very peaceful. I kept on doing thikr and admiring the beautiful creations of Allah swt from the green and blossoming trees to the chirping and colourful birds.

It turns out I was a couple of minutes early for class. What a miracle! Before high school i was always the girl who walked in late to class. That gave me a bad impression and one of my teachers told me that being punctual is a good charater to have as it shows that you are disciplined, organize and respectful. I had made punctuality one of my goals for this year as i wanted to become a better Muslim and the prophet peace be upon him said" The most perfect in faith amongst believers is he who is best in manners and kindest to his wife." So i wanted to improve my character. Other than my punctuality probem I also had anger issues and I use to get into fights sometime. So far I think I'm doing well.

That is until i saw something that made my blood boil.

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