Chapter 1

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Assalamulaeykum everyone. This is my first story that i have posted on wattpad. I hope you gys enjoy it. I dedicated this story to @PurityInMyHeart as her story "Diamonds and Pearls" inspired me to write :)


"AISHA WAKE UP! YOU'RE GOING TO BE LATE FOR SCHOOL", my mother shouts from downstairs. Ugh. school. I rub my eyes and drag myself off my cozy bed. I'm going to miss you. I make my way to the bathroom and quickly wash up.

Today is the first day of high school and the butterflies in my stomach won't leave me alone. I then head to my wardrobe and start wearing the attire that I had carefully picked out last night. I had chosen to wear a beige top topped with a black cardigan and long black skirt. I can't believe I'm doing this. This is the first time I will be wearing the hijab and I am extremely nervous. What will people think of me? Will I get picked on? I laugh humourlessly at the last one. I've always been popular with the bullies ever since I could remember, with me being their favourite.

"Ooh Aisha! Nice shirt, where'd you get it from? The garbage can?" howled Amy from third grade.

"You can't be part of the team, you're too fat." spat Donavan from fifth grade.

I shake these ill thoughts out of my head. I then slowly pin a beige hijab on. I look at myself in the mirror. My chubby cheeks spill out of the frame of my hijab. Be confident Aisha. You can do this. You're doing this for Allah. I know I can do this. To be honest I'm feeling quite confident and happy about myself. Alhamdulillah.

I head downstairs to have breakfast. My mom greets me with a warm smile. "Assalamualeykum Aisha. Ma sha Allah habibti you look so beautiful. I made you pancakes." "Wa alaikussalam and Jazakallah khair ummi, I repy her and slowly start cutting my pancakes.

227 calories. I make a mental note that I'll have to make a pit stop to the bathroom before class. I usually skip out on breakfast but today was one of those exceptions. Pancakes are so yummy!

My dad comes downstairs already dressed for work. "Aisha hurry up. I'm dropping you off to school today. Don't want to be late on your first day of school." And with that my dad steps out. Our home is within walking distance to the school but it's always been dad's tradition to drop us off on our first day. Don't ask me why.

I place the lunch mom packed me along with my pencil case and school things into my backpack and put on my converse. "Assalamualeykum mom", i say as I wave my mom  goodbyes and run out of the house.

As we drive into the driveway of the school my heart beat accelerates.

"Be good Aisha and have a great day at school" he tells me.

I get out of the car and watch him drive off. This is it. I look up at the large and unfamiliar building with the plaque "Elm Creek High School" bolted into the dull brick wall.

"Bismillah" I whisper to myself as I take my first step into my high school life.

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