Chapter 9

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October had finally arrived and of course Halloween was all everyone talked about. Posters had been placed all around the school reminding everyone to dress up and buy their tickets for the Halloween party. The stores had been redecorated with costumes and pumpkins in order to prepare for the 31st. As everyone was getting excited and all worked up for Halloween, I on the other hand was trying to improve my relationship with Ms. Gale. After I had briefly introduced myself to her, I had only seen her a couple of times ones of which I helped her with her groceries. Instead of smiling at me or thanking me (not that I needed a thanks) she gave me a look which I couldn't comprehend and went into her home. That's when I started to feel that Ms. Gale didn't like me. Strange I know given the fact that she had just moved in a week ago and barely know me but I was sure she didn't like me. Yesterday when mom had decided to invite her for tea she was so jolly and she and mom kept on talking and laughing but when he saw me her smile disappeared. What did I ever do?

Today was October the 20th which meant our Geography assignment was due. Maryam had come over yesterday and we were typing and gluing like crazy. That's what happens when you procrastinate. But we did manage to finish and I think we did pretty well Alhamdulillah. The next day I had asked Suleiman to drive me to school today because I was definitely not going to walk to school with a big board in my hands.

"Do you need help getting your project to class?" asked Suleiman.

"Umm-" I didn't have to finish as Suleiman had already gotten out of the car and taken the board out of my hand.

"Am I the best brother or what?" Suleiman asked smiling.

I giggled in response and said, "You know you are."

I had arrived a couple of minutes earlier so I made my way to the bathroom to fix my hijab. Outside the washroom was a bored Abraham. He was busy texting away. I guess he was waiting for Laila who was inside the washroom. I walked in and what do you know? I was right. There were a couple of the cheerleaders in the bathroom including Laila discussing about their outfits for the Halloween dance. Yup that's right. Laila was a cheerleader.

"I'm going as Katniss Everdeen" Said one of them.

"I want to go as Alice Cullen" said Anna.

"And I am going as Bella and Abraham as Edward!" Laila chirped.

Suddenly the washroom was filled with a long" awww". I rolled my eyes. What was the big deal anyway? Pfft. It's just a costume. Besides I can pull off a better Bella than Laila any day. Okay I was being mean but I guess it's because of what my ex-best friend had turned into; A good and quiet muslimah to one of Elm Creek's cheerleader. Laila made eye contact with me in the mirror for a split second but then ignored me and continued talking to her friends. After making sure my hijab was tight and long, I made my way to class.

Math class was boring as always but English class was much better as Mr. Gibson made us watch a movie on Romeo and Juliet since we had just finished reading the play. It was the one with Leonardo DiCaprio in it. Man he was undeniably beautiful. I wish I was his Juliet. I mean what!? Astaghfirullah Aisha! What I meant to do was lower my gaze but it was such a mission as every time the scenes in which he was in popped up, all the girls would get giddy and start giggling, including Hillary who was sitting next to me. It was actually quite funny as the guys in the class were getting quite pissed and annoyed. I secretly believed it was because they were jealous that they couldn't get as much as attention from the girls as Leonardo DiCaprio was getting.

The bell finally rang and Jennifer and I raced to my locker to meet up with Maryam. She was wearing a loose black yoga pant, a long sleeved white top and a black hijab. It was official. There were now 2 hijabs in the school. Maryam had decided last night when she was at my house that she was to wear the hijab from now on and I of course was ecstatic.

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