Chapter 5

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Assalamualeykum/heyy guys. I hope you are all well. If u like this chapter plz vote and comment and i hope u like it :)

P.S. I dedicated this chapter to @UmmTameem786 as she is my #1 reader and an amazing sister :)



Beep. Beep. Beep.

I slam the snooze button for the third time now. Ugh. Mornings. School. Why do I have to go? I wasn't really in the mood of going to school today. But then I remembered what I was going to do today and suddenly was eager to go. I cant wait to see her get into trouble. Knowing her she will probably start fighting me. I smirked. Like she can take me down. Although I must admit. I've seen her fight before and she's pretty good. i wonder who taught her? She probably does karate or something....

Buzz. My phone vibrates indicating that I have a text.

"Heyy babe. Ready for school?"

I smiled. It was my new girlfriend.

"Yes I am. Are you up for the plan?"

"Yes of of course! anything 4 u love <3" She texted.

"So am I." I thought and started dressing up and packing my bag. My sister was already waiting for me at the door by the time I was done. She was a year younger than me making her in the 8th grade. She was very beautiful as she had big brown eyes like me and long brown hair. I looked her up and down.

"Why are you dressed like that?" I asked.

"Like what?" she asked frowning.

She was wearing a pair of shorts and a very low cut shirt. To makes things worse the shirt was cut at the back revealing her entire back.

"You don't think you're over dressed?'" I asked sarcastically.

She gave me a smirk and replied, "Whatever. Hurry up mom is waiting in the car." And with that she left.

I know i sound a bit hypocritical as I like checking girls out but its a different matter when other guys stare at your sister. She's my sister after all and I don't want anything to happen to her.


When i arrived at school she was already waiting for me. I went up to her and gave her a kiss.

"Is she here yet?" I asked her.

"Nope." She replied.

"Good lets go then." We made our way up the stairs until we finally reached her locker.



There in front of me was Abraham making out with Laila. At my locker!!! What was wrong with them? I probably stood there like an idiot for a couple of minutes not knowing what to do and trying my best to keep my cool. If only I could beat them up...
But i knew too well. Violence is never the answer to anything.

"Excuse me. I need to get to my locker." I said in a firm voice. No reply. The bell rang. Great. Thats when i realised i had no choice but one: to pull Laila away and get through.

"Hey!" Laila squealed. "Don't touch me."

I paid no attention to her. I had made it to my locker and had successfully opened it. I grabbed my textbook from my locker and was about to head to class when a pair of arms slammed into opposite sides of me trapping me.

"Where do you think your going?" Abraham asked in a taunting voice.

"Where do you think Einstein?" I growled at him. He stared at me for a minute deciding something but then let me go.

After they left, I realized something. Laila was dating Abraham, someone she knew was personally responsible for years of my misery. And of all places to make out, they decided my locker was the perfect place. She wasn't only my ex best friend. No, she wanted to be my foe. My heart ached and as the late hustlers rushed off to class, I closed my locker and scurried off to class as well.


It was the last period of the day and I couldn't wait to go home. Thank God i didn't see or come across Laila or Abraham again. I had geography last period today and Mr. Montgomery was explaining to us our assignment.

"You are assigned to build an eco-friendly city and it will be made entirely out of recycled materials. Your city must have a residential, urban and industrial area. And this will have to be done in pairs. You have a month to work on this."

Great. I have to find a partner. But who? Just then a girl with cute brown eyes turned to me and gave me a smile. I smiled back in response.

"You may choose your partner now and when you have found a partner come and tell me so i can record it." Said Mr. Montgomery.

The girl who smiled at me came up to me.

"Do you wanna be partners?"

"Sure. I'm Aisha by the way."

"I'm Maryam."

Was she muslim too? After we gave our names to Mr. Montgomery, he gave us the rest of the class to brainstorm some ideas and to get started on the project. Its turns out that maryam was Turkish and Muslim. She was very funny and sweet. I guess I made a new friend. Alhamdulillah. People come and go in our lives. This is all a test. Just because Allah removed Laila from my life doesn't mean He won't replace her with someone else. Allah has now put Maryam in my life and I am grateful for it.

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