23. Sea Spirit's Den

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"Looks like we're just on time for the festival!" Axel beamed as they stepped foot into a village.

"Why take part in a festival?" Luna asked as she looked around the village by the sea.

"This is Azure Bay, and every year, they have a celebration by the name of Azure Festival, which honours the guardian of the sea, Lugia, who is said to reside in the Sea Spirit's Den, that small island over there," Axel pointed at a rugged island off the coast, "They say that Lugia appears on that island every year around this time! So you can say that the Azure Festival is somewhat a welcome party for the diety! So, of course, I'm gonna gain some first hand intel on Lugia itself through this annual festival!" He added cheerfully, excited by the chance to do some serious in-depth research.


"You see, every year, at this season, Lugia will come back to its base, the Sea Spirit's Den. As most of us residing here in Azure Bay are also fishermen, we celebrate its homecoming, expressing our gratitude and praying for its continuous protection in the upcoming year," the Matriarch explained, "we can estimate when will Lugia arrive by observing the weather. There's been sudden downpours lately, which is a sign to us that the master is returning."

"Come to think of it... that's right!" Axel recalled, "I thought the weather had been rather weird these few weeks."

"Lugia can summon storms as well as calm them. It travels across the globe, bringing rain to different regions of the world. Exhausted by its extensive usage of its miraculous powers, it returns here to rest. It is said that the water in this area is special and heals Lugia's wounds. There are also reports of water Pokemon growing stronger after coming in contact with the water, hence the name 'miracle water'," she explained.

"Is there any chance I could go to the Sea Spirt's Den?" Axel asked eagerly.

"Well, you could, after the festival," the old woman answered with a sparkle in her eye.

All of a sudden, there was an explosion in the middle of the village.

"What in the world-" Axel started, shocked by the sudden attack, running towards the source.

"Kukuku, good job, Houndoom, Lycanroc," a deep chilling voice said.

"Luna, stand back. I'll... hold them off," Axel said, gritting his teeth.

"Arara, a kid, he's pretty good looking, so let's not hurt him," a lady said as they both jumped into view.

"We won't let you interfere with the plan," the man said.

Axel eyed their attackers cautiously. Both of them wore a crimson cloak with a hood that covered half of their face and a scarf which was shaped like whiffs of smoke.

He recognised this immediately.

"You're the sneaky bunch who initiated the Tyranitar attack in Lumiose City back then."

"Ding ding ding! Smart, aren't you?" The woman said playfully as she twirled her hair, "It was us, Team Omega, who planned that attack! Pleasure to meet you!"

Team Omega? Luna whirled around as she heard that phrase. First Team Alpha, and now Omega.

The man glared at Axel and whispered something to the female. She shrugged casually,  then sneakily stuck her hand behind her back.

"Pika!" Axel shouted, right as the woman hurled something at them. Pika discharged a strong surge of electricity, zapping the round device.

Axel picked up the sizzling metal device lying on the ground a few meters away from them, "Neat, I'll be keeping this."

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