5. Operation: Get a Pokemon

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"Pika, let's go," Axel said as he threw on his backpack.

"You're sooo slow," Pika commented as it leaped right onto his cap.

Hastily sticking the note he had just scribbled onto the door, he dashed out of the lab, towards the forest. "Let's see, Rotom, how do I get to the forest." He asked.

Instantly, a screen popped out on his phone, showing a map and a radar, along with a red line that showed him how to get there. In 5 minutes, he was standing at the mouth of a forest. There was a brown path leading him into the forest, with a sign labelled 'route 4' standing beside it.

Axel kept his eyes peeled as he sprinted as fast as he could along the path. Along the path were row and rows of trees, further than the eye could see. And then, there it was again. The bright flash of lightning shot down from the sky. Immediately, he rushed off the path. Where is it! He ran as he looked up into the sky. Another flash.

(After 15 minutes...)

Hah, hah, hah, Axel huffed as he came to a stop. He had lost track of the sudden flashes, and now he's stuck in the middle of the forest.

"Now... what do I do..." he muttered as he sat down for a moment, "hey, Pika, what should we do?"

"None of my business," Pika yawned as it slumped on Axel's cap lazily.

"Hey, can you get off my cap please? You're heavy." Axel asked as he poked Pika.

"In your dreams!" Pika said as it jumped up and down on his cap.

"Owowow! Stop jumping on my head! Of all Pokemon, why did I even catch you!" Axel grumbled, "that's it! I'll catch a Pokemon!"

"Huh?" Pika commented.

"Hey, Rotom, what Pokemon are in this area?" Axel asked as he took out his phone

"Analysing... Analysing... Here are the Pokemon that reside in this area!" Rotom answered, showing him a list of Pokemon on screen.

"Let's see... Ledyba, Ralts, Skitty, Bedew, Combee, Flabebe, Fletchling..." He mumbled, "A Fletchling would be a good start."

"First up... let's try operation: berry lure!" Axel declared as he picked up a berry on the floor. Placing the berry on the floor, he hid behind a bush. Now... I just have to wait for it to eat the berry, then catch it right away!

Pika took a glance at the setup and went back to sleep. There's no way this plan would work. No Pokemon would fall for such an obvious and stupid trap.

(After 5 minutes...)

Axel hid in the bushes stealthily without making a noise, staring intensively at the berry and its surroundings. And then, a rustle in the bushes. Axel perked up, here it is! , he thought as he readied his Pokeball.

And out of the bushes came... a Skitty.

Gah! Axel thought, disappointed. A Skitty... wasn't quite his type... Well whatever, since it's here, I might as well as catch it!

The Skitty circled the berry, examined it and sniffed it. Anytime now... And then, fast as a flash, it nabbed the berry with its tail and ran off.

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